[center][u]Premise[/u] [i]"It's a game that has been played indefinitely, all that changes are the players."[/i] [img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/094/2/4/life_and_chess_by_bluteisen-d4v0c7w.jpg[/img] In an unnamed world with natural laws similar to our own there exists two nations, locked in a continued stalemate of war no matter what actions are taken. On one side there exists Hadrum: The Kingdom of White who rules the eastern coast. On the other exists Saramus: The Kingdom of Black who rules the western mountains. Both of these countries have been at war for as long as they could remember, much to the point that the very reason for it has muddled down into the simple act of gaining territory. Saramus has the mines while Hadrum has the food, and therefore a population to match anything that the opposing industrial nation has to throw at them. For as long as anyone has known there has been war and little else, a change that no one expects to change in the coming future. Heroes have come and gone from both sides, and present day two more have stepped up as a symbol for both sides to step behind. With Hadrum they have backed their support behind a great mind, a military strategist who has pushed back anything Saramus has thrown at them. But not without any cost. With Saramus they stand behind a public figure of brutality, a warrior sheathed in all black cutting down any Hadrum soldier who gets in the way. Even with these two great strengths the stalemate holds, and will have continued to hold had it not been for a single decision. A gamble was made, Saramus making the bet to pit it's forces against one of Hadrum's most impenetrable fortresses. Should they win they gain a straight shot to Hadrum's Capitol. Should they lose, and Saramus loses an army to defend it's borders with. The White Rook and The Black Knight each have their respective missions. Yet this one decision will set the course for their entire future... [u]The Players[/u] [/center] [i]Stranger (The General)[/i] [b]Name:[/b] Sateena Alivandra (Tina to her friends) [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Appearance:[/b] Sateena stands about 5'10", with light skin, blue eyes, and long silver-blonde hair that falls to her lower back. Despite the constant admonitions of her mother, she prefers to let it hang naturally, rather than putting it up in "the ridiculous knots and loops that the nobles seem to enjoy." She also often foregoes the flowing, poofy dresses that her mother has made for her, preferring to wear her military uniform. That said, she does keep a few dresses for royal balls and other such events. Her uniform is mostly brown, with golden borders and three buttons down the center. Despite her station, she never wears a hat. While in uniform, her rapier is always at her right hip (she is left-handed). [b]General Personality:[/b] As royalty, Sateena was tutored in many subjects, but military tactics and history were her favorites. She often saw it as a game where each side would move their pieces in an attempt to outmaneuver the other. And she was good at it. The games (actual games) she played with her instructors often ended with her victory, sometimes against real officers. Eventually, she opted to join the military at a young age, using her rank and skill to start off higher in the ranks than most others (though not yet at General), despite the wishes of her mother, who always attempts to mold her into what Sateena calls "another typical girly-girl princess". Even with their differences, Sateena and her mother are very close. Her father, the King, cares little for her, spending most of his attention on Sateena's older brother, Bryson. After years of service, Sateena made the rank of General, which she considers her highest honor. Upon reaching her rank, she immediately removed all the nobles from her unit, replacing them with men (and a few women) she knew could do the job right. She cares very little about politics and is not afraid to step on peoples' toes (or cut them off completely) to get the job done. This has made her very hated by the nobles (again, not that she cares), but highly respected among her soldiers. She values her soldiers' lives, but will not hesitate to do what must be done. She is harsh and has little patience for stupidity, but those who are closest to her know she also has a soft side that she reserves only for those she trusts. Anyone else? Stand back. [b]Status:[/b] Currently, Sateena is mobilizing her forces to battle against Saramus. She has heard rumors that the dreaded Black Knight will be joining this battle, and is currently working on a plan to capture or neutralize him for good. [i]Windreda (The Warrior)[/i] [b]Name:[/b] Daniel [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Appearance:[/b] Daniel is around 6'1" in height, while not towering over his enemies giving some presence of strength around others. He is well built for someone so young as himself in the military, however he in no way excels in combat because of brute strength. It is his posture and finesse in combat that really gives himself strength, able to move a sword an shield so effortlessly to find an opponents heart. Especially outside of combat he keeps his body lowered, slouched almost to appear lazy to those on the outside looking in. However he is able to spring himself out of an arrows path, leap back from a sword strike, or if need be throw himself quickly into combat without any hesitation. He wears long black hair falling briefly over calm blue eyes, almost contradicting his actions or overall appearance if someone looked into them. His sword his fashioned from a rare ore that makes it easier to pierce armor and cut through bones like butter, however from the eyes of an experienced smith they might view it as worthless trash. It's his shield that really adds to any decoration going into battle, the blood red background accentuating the symbol of Saramus: A black king chess piece. Yet it's his armor that really stands out, made from an ore that gives the steel a solid black appearance. What was supposed to be a mocking statement of Daniels lack of identity has turned into a symbol of fear, a symbol the Saramus empire does not hesitate to use in significant battles with Hadrum forces. Outside of combat Daniel wears nothing more than unremarkable commoner clothing, to not know his place within the nobility but as well for its practicality. A tattered shirt, long pants, and miner boots however goes a long way when being unnoticed within a sea of faces. No one knows his identity, and no one could ever think to place David as the Black Knight: wonderful for removing political allies. [b]General Personality:[/b] Daniel is not a bitter person, despite everything that has happened in his life. He is a person content with the more quiet aspects of life: A distant sunset or good book to make his mind at ease. More important though is that he's loyal, loyal to his country and very loyal to those he grows very close with. No matter what he is dependable, often times being taken advantage of for this aspect. He is not naïve to believe he isn't used because of this loyalty, following through with a slaughter not because he takes pleasure in it but because that's what he was born to do. As a casteless, a person with no identity, he follows through with any order given to him. Not without hesitation or guilt, but the reluctance and understanding that this is his only purpose in life to perform. Die alone in his capitol city's mines with no one to remember him or become a powerful image to serve the nation he was born into, to him there doesn't seem like any alternative. As the black knight with a mission he as learned to open up another side of him, a personality that is ruthless to do what needs to be done. Kill a man's child as punishment for a political transgression? Done. Part of Daniel actually finds some sadistic enjoyment with the killings, the spilled blood of his enemies of the gurgled screams as a sword is driven through a person's neck. Then another part is afraid, not only of what he's become but of what the future truly has in store for him. As a pawn of Saramus would he always remain, will he be killed the minute his usefulness is finished? Even despite his family background would he be disposed the minute the king would stop protecting him? He struggles with identity and purpose, only his mentor really helping him along when struggling through these kind of moments. What kind of man is he supposed to become, and just who is he without the armor that defines him? Being invisible has its uses, able to blend into any situation with ease for the kings benefit. Yet what happens when he wishes to be himself, just who would he become? [b]Status:[/b] Daniel prepares himself to war, ready to march out with the rest of Saraumus's forces to confront Hadrum at one of their most key military strongholds. Being one of the most securest structures in Hadrum's kingdom and situated on rock shooting towards the sky it's said to be impenetrable. This stalemate has lasted for far too long, Saramus throwing everything to gain a direct path to Hadrum's king himself. This one battle will potentially decide the course of the entire war. Daniel has one mission: to cut off the snakes head and cause Hadrum troops to fall into disarray. Remove the Hadrum General...through whatever means necessary. [center] [u]The Land[/u] [i](To be added with notable locations, people, and cultural significance)[/i] [/center]