Hey, stray cats can be mean. Aranhil had learned that first hand when he was a boy. Apparently, cats did not like it when you ran up, declared they were adorable, and picked them up. He'd been three. He was not very fond of cats. He liked Hoppy better. He liked Hoppy in a pot best. However, he had promised his wife he would not eat her rabbit. So, instead, he turned and stole a gentle kiss. "Sylvia, my love, have you heard from your maid lately?" He inquired as he lead her out into the sunlight. He glanced up, checking quickly on the wind speed and the likelihood of clouds. He did not want this day to be ruined for any reason. Today was Sylvia's day. it had to be perfect. "If I remember correctly," He added thoughtfully, taking a second as if to search his memory. "I believe you are the most beautiful woman in the world." Aranhil grinned at his wife, then slid his arm around her waist. "And I never remember anything incorrectly." He smirked, kissing her gently. "Come, I know a good place to eat lunch." Serious again, he inquired, "What have you been learning lately, my love? I was informed that lessons were going well. Just not what your lessons are. I hope they're not trying to change you too much. I mean, I know you're an elf and all, but I like you how you are."