[hider=The Ride to the Academy]Masaru patiently waited in his uncle's car as they drove through the school. Masaru was ready, more than ready, he was [i]prepared[/i] for what was to come. Masaru's uncle eyed him in the rear-view mirror and grinned. "You sure you're going to need that backpack?" Masaru's uncle asked as he averted his eyes back towards the road. "I mean, it [i]is[/i] the first day of school." Masaru's uncle then let out a small but quiet laugh. "Of course," Masaru said firmly in his car seat. "We do have classes on the first day, didn't you read the handouts they mailed home?" At the sound of this, Masaru's uncle's grin only grew bigger. "Yes, yes I did," Masaru's uncle said, continuing to drive through the city. [i]I should probably tell him that the first day of school is for meeting his teachers, and that he's probably not going to do any work,[/i] Masaru's uncle thought as he grinned. [i]... No, no, he can figure out his mistake later on.[/i] Masaru, at the sight of his uncle's grin, had a sinking feeling in his stomach, almost as if there was a trick being played on Masaru, or there was something that he didn't know. "... Uncle... is there something you've been meaning to tell me?" Masaru asked, his fists clenched in his lap. "This is my first day at this school, if I make a fool of myself, I will [i]never[/i] forgive you, you know that, right?" "You say the same thing at every single Kendo tourney," Masaru's uncle then started to hum, and a silence enveloped the two of the them, with the only sound being the piercing - and horrible - cry of Masaru's humming. It was only until a few minutes later that he stopped and realized that Masaru had his hands firmly over his ears. "Don't worry, you'll be fine, just make some new friends, forget about your mom and dad." "I feel as if I should be practicing for the next competition, it just... doesn't feel right to be away from home..." Masaru then looked out the window, noticing that they were nearing the academy. "We're almost there..." Masaru heaved out a heavy sigh, regretting his decision to come to the academy - even though his parents actually forced him to go. "I'll miss home... I'll miss Kami the most..." "I know you'll miss me- wait a minute, Kami?!" Masaru's uncle was surprised. Masaru's uncle was always the joker in the Hisakawa family, and the most easiest to talk too, which was why almost everyone loves him, and misses being away from him. Kami, on the other hand, is a dog. A dog that Masaru was gifted too on his Eighth birthday, and the loyal dog has always been there for Masaru, just as Masaru's uncle has always been there for him. "Kami? But... but..." "I'll miss you plenty as well, uncle," Masaru said as the car came to a complete stop. Masaru then opened the car door, and was about to take a step out before Masaru's uncle completely stopped him by grabbing a hold of his backpack. "There was no reason to bring your backpack today," Masaru's uncle said in a depressing tone before pushing Masaru out of the car and driving off.[/hider] "...W-what?!" Masaru said as he held both of his hands on the backpack strap. "No... no reason to bring my backpack? Oh... I feel like an idiot now..." Masaru heaved out one final sigh before looking up towards the academy and entering the building, feeling defeated as he was the only one with a backpack on. "Paging Hisakawa Masaru, please head to the principal’s office after the morning assembly to find out which class you’re assigned to. Thank you.” The voice rung through the speakers.