[center]Daniel's not finalized, but he will be. It's just a matter of time, so feel free to include him in your planning. Anyway, was talking to Sorodd on Skype last night and he proposed the idea of ACTUALLY "riding" a Soul Train to get to said dungeon. Like a train comes every night at exactly 1 AM and leaves around 4 AM. That gives our characters three hours inside of said dungeon. The train could take various stops and while on the train, time never exists. This may be where our Igor exists as well. For summoning. I was thinking it had to do with our masks. Since you know, a Persona is basically a "mask" of your personality and how you face your hardships. Just an idea. Keep discussing and throwing ideas at me. I might be a bit late getting back to you. I'm a bit tired right now since I was up until 6 AM, so I probably skipped over something else that I wanted to address in this post. Sorry about that.[/center]