[i] "We don't really know very much about Manifestation. It can be a lot of things. Extreme emotional turbulence or life-threatening physical danger can cause someone to be Awakened. It can happen in some freak accident or be activated by drug use. But it can also come during activities as mundane as reading or taking a shower. There's no reliable way so far to predict manifestation. And once someone is awakened the specific effects it has on the subject can vary wildly. Someone can manifest electrokinetic powers to survive electrocution, or they can receive pyrokinetic powers because of their temperament and psychological profile, those with more cerebral qualities can receive super-intelligence, or they can develop super-strength and flight because of a deep regard for Superman, the potential causes and effects of manifestation are almost limitless. And once you add Supernatural factors such as mystical bloodlines or wizardly talent, manifestation becomes even more unpredictable and diverse. It has not been conclusively proven that Manifestation is genetic but studies have shown that those with at least one Awakened parent have a greater chance of receiving powers, and having two Awakened parents seems to almost guarantee having powers. The field of Superhuman studies is young and there's lot's of things we have to learn but unlocking the secrets of Manifestation could catapult our society into a Golden Age of advances in agriculture, medicine, engineering, everything. And of course there are the military applications" [/i] - [b] Professor James Morrow, co-chair of the Superhuman Studies Initiative [/b] [b] Entry Hall [/b] Hot Rod soon came upon Reaver, one of the more infamous heroes in America. With his dark red skin, reptilian yellow eyes, bone-white claws, barbed tail, golden pitch-fork, leathery wings, and horns the hero was somewhat a lot to take in on first sight. The half-demonic hero gave Hot Rod a genuine smile and spoke with a strong baritone, "Ah, I know you. I love your races, man. Good to have you here. We need another speedster besides Nitrous. You're pretty late, which is kinda weird if you ask me. Being a flying speedster and all." Reaver let out a hearty chuckle. "Everyone's out, right now. Either on a field mission or in the training rooms. Most of the training teams are done, but Pariah's group is still slogging through it. Pariah doesn't go easy, even on the first day." Reaver pointed towards one of the hallways which lead to the briefing room which in turn would take Hot Rod to the training mission, "Just go down there into the briefing room and tell them that Reaver sent you. They'll let you in the help finish the mission. Better hurry or Pariah will get even more pissed off than usual." [b] Pariah's Victims [/b] Chrome managed to score a glancing hit on Changeling as he retreated. Then he squared off against Furious and Changeling with them on either side of him. He didn't anticipate Furious being quite so fast and the first two hits struck him in his metallic jaw, Chrome shrugged off the hits and saw the right hook. He dodged to the side of the right hook and grabbed Furious's right arm with his steel grip. He stepped behind Furious and locked Furious's arm behind his back and slipped his left arm around Furious's neck. The steel limb would press down on him and hopefully keep the teenage hero locked there. Chrome could also start choking him out with little effort if Furious started to resist. Then the metal trainer maneuvered Furious and himself to face Changeling, trusting the hero not to know how Furious's power worked. Meanwhile, Phantasm found hands around his neck and a feminine voice speaking to him. With his free hand he felt around and found what seemed to be a leg near his torso, and his hearing told him the general direction of the voice. He figured out that his attacker was sitting atop him. The trainer said in an amused tone, "Well, it's refreshing to have another shadow-type on the team. But this seems to be a bit much for the first date doesn't it?" While he said this his hand found his taser gun and he lifted at where her torso would be since she was sitting atop him and pulled the trigger, shocking Phantom for the second time in a few minutes. He would then take advantage of the painful distraction to holster his taser, grab one of the arms holding his neck and shove her agonized form off of him with all his strength.