Rafa's initial strike on the orc(K) hit it's mark easily passing through the leather armor and piercing the Orc's(K) shoulder. And once Rafa started his assault the Orc only remained on the defensive for a short time. The heavy halberd could only move so fast and the Orc took advantage of one of the many openings the heavy weapon left. As soon as the Orc deflected the Halberd with his axe it followed up with a heavy backhanded club to Rafa's head sending him tumbling backward. (Check the OOC I asked you four days ago to change the post or you would get hit) The Orc was about to move in for the kill, but it was cut off as Kiena jumped into the Orc's path. The orc was surprised that a small girl would stand in its path and even blocked her first strike. But the girl was quick and seemed to disappear in an instant. The Orc started to look for its prey but as soon as it felt a sharp stab in its thigh it started to spin sending his club like fist flying backward, but Kiena was able to jump back and avoid the blow. The orc then moved forward slashing its Axe at Kiena attempting to cut the girl down. The Orc(D) raised its sword to block Decado's attack to its throat, but was unable to react to the second blow and felt the sting of Decado's blade across its hamstring. The now crippled Orc roared and used its might to push Decado back and sent a powerful swing at Decado's chest both of its hands on the blade. The wolf's attacks on Astiroth seemed to have little to no effect and his last attack was able to disorientate the wolf a bit. It hung back a bit circling its foe looking for any opening, but the lone wolf was at a loss without the support of its pack or the orcs who had been using it to track. The wolf suddenly turned back to charge after the group fighting the orcs trying to strike at Rafa while he recovered from the Orc's attack Arthur was forced on the defensive using his shield to block the assault of blows the Orc(A) was throwing at him. Arthur knew he couldn't win without attacking, but first he had to find an opening. And soon enough it came The Orc swung down as he tried to take a step, Arthur blocked the strike pushing it to the side throwing and knocking the orc off balance. With the created opening Arthur struck out with his spear aiming for the beast's heart. Although off balance the orc was still able to partially dodge the blow and Arthur's spear struck the orc's shoulder. As Arthur pulled back his spear he jammed his shield into the Orc's side cracking some of the orc's ribs. In anger the orc tried to strike Arthur, he moved his spear to block the orc's axe. The shaft of his spear locked with the shaft of the axe and Arthur spun his spear pulling the axe from the Orc's hand leaving the beast defenseless as Arthur continued his attack stabbing the orc in the heart. As Arthur kicked the orc back letting the beast die he turned to see another orc(R) about to smash its hammer down on Riki. He quickly raced over hooking the hammer with his spear and kicking the back of the orc's knees dropping the orc to its knees. "Finish it" he told Riki while trying to keep the orc pinned and unable to counter her strike.