Original story and plot in the works. If you’re looking for mystery, crime fighting, and psychological thrills with a mild supernatural twist, then you’ve just found it. [b]Synopsis:[/b] The BUC (Bureau of Unconventional Crime) has existed for over ten years, beneath the eyes of the public. The purpose of this organization is to investigate and solve unusual and even supernaturally-influenced crimes and cases. You have been specially chosen to work for the BUC on the detective force, a separate branch that works with the police on particularly difficult and puzzling mysteries. You and the other recruits from around the globe must learn to cooperate and be able to work under pressure, knowing that the lives of many innocent people may be placed into your hands, and you must do all that is in your power to uphold justice in the face of extreme peril and threat to your person. Your supervisor and employer, a veteran agent known only as “Mister Smith”, will be watching you closely and assessing your abilities, assigning you to specific tasks based on his judgment of your capability of performing them. If at any time you fail to meet his expectations, you will be discharged from the force and your memory wiped to ensure the security of BUC and the rest of the recruits. More information will be provided in the [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/46257/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1387275]OOC[/url], this thread is simply to generate interest. [b]Important Note:[/b] [i]All characters are required to pass a test before joining the RP, the details of which will be provided after you have submitted a CS. All CSs will be PMed directly to me before being posted in the OOC.[/i] I will now take your questions.