Name: Ezra Sharp Age: 15 Gender: Male Abilities: Emotion reading and manipulation. He can feel the emotions of others, at all times he can feel the emotions of other's around him, sometimes to an unbearable degree. He's able to push little waves of emotions into people's minds, so if someone's sad he could put a little bubble of happiness in their head that could help them feel better. After a lot of training, he could gradually get better at this until he would be able to actually manipulate emotions. Personality: Shy and timid, though determined. Sensitive. Adventurous and curious about everything. Anti-social and has a lot of trouble communicating and interacting with people around him. Is scared of getting close to someone because he believes that they'll just abandon him once he does something wrong. Good at keeping in his emotions and hides how he feels most of the time. Always spaces out and day-dreams, it's often hard to get him to respond because he's in a whole different world. Very imaginative. Even though he may come off as cold due to his anti-social tendencies, he is actually a very caring person and will do anything he can to help someone. Loves to find little hidey-spaces or climb trees and things like that where he can be alone. Really clumsy. Believes he's worthless and a waste of space, hard for him to see otherwise. Very independent, used to doing things himself and being alone. At the end of the day, he's just a sad, lonely boy who wishes he had people who cared about him. Appearance: [hider=Appearance][IMG][/IMG][/hider] The picture should tell you pretty much everything you need to know, except he's also pretty short. Bio: As a baby he was left on the doorstep of a shabby orphanage, mainly in place to milk money out of the government, needless to say they didn't take very good care of him. That aforementioned orphanage closed down when he was only five years old, leaving him on the streets. He was employed (probably illegally) in the back of a shop doing heavy labor for minimal pay, only enough to get him a small meal a day, not leaving much for anything else. There wasn't anywhere else he could go though, so he stayed. He was treated very harshly at that job, often getting hit and abused, both physically and verbally, for small missteps. Everyday he was met with a tirade of shouts about how worthless and horrible he was, eventually setting that view onto himself. Nothing changed in his life for ten years, until his fifteenth birthday when his abilities were discovered after he accidentally told the shopkeeper how he was feeling. Scared and angered, the shopkeeper beat him half to death and threw him in an alley, where he was found by someone who knew about the orphanage. After recovering, he told the person about his abilities and he was sent off to the orphanage, where maybe he would finally find a home.