at first Angelo was surprised to see someone appear from nowhere coming out the wall but after he mentioned his name was the jester it made sense and it annoyed him to no end. once the jester was done talking angelo said "you bastards are dark. you deserve to be taken down even if I have to shred your throat out." Angelo warned before he grabbed the jester and he pulled him out the wall throwing him towards the ground of the citadel knowing it wouldn't stop the jester but it would buy Angelo some time to hide as Angelo climbed that much quicker till he finally got to the roof of the citadel and he used a glass cutter on the sunroof to quietly get inside. Angelo's other librarians were already hiding in the vents to listen to the meeting while Angelo was inside he hugged the wall itself to watch the meeting from above and keep watch for the jester and if needed he will throw him to the meeting to distract them so he could let his men run, he may be the leader but he didn't let any life be wasted