It didn't take much to impress Saseen. A solid plan with the promise of adventure, presented with just a hint of bravado; it was more than enough to reel her in. She made no effort to hide her interest in Tanya's pitch, listening with clear interest and occasionally smiling and nodding. From the line "steal that fucking ship," they had her hooked. The chance to have a state of the art Corvette, manned by some of the most competent criminals in the galaxy, working together to bring down the pain in their collective sides? They couldn't keep Saseen away. Sure, at the back of her mind, she knew that it wouldn't actually be [i]her[/i] ship, but that was a tiny issue she could worry about later. The population of the room grew smaller as the speech went on. A hunched, sickly looking turian was the first to throw his lot in with the two in front. At first Saseen was rather skeptical, but even she'd heard the name 'Sleuth'. Seeing as how she was hardly in the information business, that was enough for her to be impressed. He requested that someone help to escort him, and somebody else take his things to the hangar. Saseen considered filling the latter request, as she definitely knew that she wanted to be in the hangar when the shit hit the fan. Additionally, she believed that she was the resident expert on boarding hostile ships. The drell at the front, silent until then, spoke up to add a bit of oddly phrased motivation. She hadn't noticed his regression before; she'd been too focused on Tanya, and she wasn't exactly the observant sort to begin with. But she did notice that he was definitely the quiet sort. Not the kind of person she worked best with, if only because they were so opposite to her in personality, but if he worked well with someone like Tanya -who Saseen thus far judged to be rather similar to herself in temperament- maybe they could get along, too. Her first instinct was to volunteer herself for escorting the batarian, but he was probably right when he said that his captors should be human. The others around the table volunteered themselves for various jobs. The female drell whom Saseen had taken a slight interest in earlier explained her motivations and then placed a cooler that apparently held three-fourths of a set of krogan balls on the table, offering them to the rest of he group. Saseen smiled at her. [i]Poor kid,[/i] she thought. And she thought that [i]her[/i] vendetta against Siame was personal. The same seemed to go for the quarian doctor. These observations made her feel better about the whole thing. The more reasons a comrade had to watch her back beyond credits, the better. Realizing that she was one of the last among those who'd remained in the room to stay quiet, the asari spoke up. "You lot can call me Captain Zheene! Well, maybe not 'captain' anymore, since I'm out a ship and a crew," she shrugged, as if that were only a small setback to her pirating ways, "But hey, with any luck, we'll have a shiny new ship soon enough. I'm a biotic, and with my experience, I think I'd do best with the boarding party."