Henrik waited and listened to Carson's little speech. Inspiring? Somewhat. At least most people here wanted some good old-fashioned revenge against SI, even if some were green as grass and almost as easy to break. Henrik took particular note of C-Pat's rivalry with SI in the region's security issues - not that C-Pat was doing a good job around here to begin with, but that rivalry could be easily exploited to weaken both of them - setting up C-Pat against SI would be mutually destructive between the two organisations, and would allow people like Kovlov to go about their business unchecked in and around Cartagena. Henrik took out a piece of paper and noted the rivalry down. Could prove useful. His attention was drawn when Tanya mentioned the heist of a starship belonging to SI itself. That was a kick in the teeth for SI - to have its own shipping turned against them was something that Ilya hadn't even tried to do - not that he would, the man was far too concerned with shedding blood for subterfuge like that - and it would certainly give them an advantage, particularly when it came to hitting various locations that would be important to SI. Furthermore, it provided a stable base of operations from which he could communicate with the various contacts he had and get work and intelligence from them. He already knew about this 'Titan Bank' on Illium, but he wasn't sure if that was relevant: Kovlov and The Widowmaker had yet to contact him if there were SI assets contained within. He looked about at the men and women who would form his future crew as Tanya explained the plan. Turian hacker. Human muscle man, like himself. Two batarians. Two quarians (two? he rarely saw 'one', let alone 2 of them), one of whom looked greener than the grasslands of Earth. Human pilot. Balanced crew, if Henrik said so himself. They were more than enough to take over one ship, and if necessary fight off 'discount C-Sec' as Carson had called them. Henrik nodded in approval after Tanya asked for support. Several others spoke up and explained they were in. Most of their speech could be boiled down to 'I hate SI and they need to die', which was fair enough. Henrik hated Siame and they 'did' need to die. But that wasn't the only reason he was here. "My contacts are threatened and deeply concerned by SI expansion. They wish for Siame to be removed. That's why I'm here. I'm here to do a job and support my comrades who want the same thing. Some people are probably concerned that I'm on someone's payroll... That someone, if you don't know, is a man named Kovlov. And believe me, he won't rest until SI is driven into the ground so deep they won't be able to get out." Henrik drew his thumb across his throat. "Kovlov calls it debt collection. The debt they owe is in blood." Scratching his beard, Henrik thought for a moment. The plan involved a lot of risk, and a lot of people involved in a large gunfight. Henrik was unsure whether the team would be better served by him in said gunfight or if someone else needed escorting to where they were needed to be. No doubt most people would want him to be on the ground, pumping bullets non-stop into warm, fleshy SI agents' bodies. But there were several technicians on the team, people who needed support to get to where they were needed, like the turian, or the quarian hacker. The salarian had already spoken up to support the turian, but that was one salarian. Henrik reckoned they would need at least one heavy hitter as well. Glancing first at the heavy-set human soldier (Mark Russo, was it? Kovlov had mentioned someone with that name, but Henrik couldn't put names to faces to save his life) and then at the turian, Henrik spoke up again. "I will accompany Sleuth if needed. If not, I will take part in the hangar assault." Short, simple and to the point. If the turian didn't need his help, then Henrik would simply assist in the taking of the ship. It was only logical - if the turian felt he had enough backup, then Henrik would place himself where he felt he would be the most useful; in the hangar, taking bullets and killing hostiles. It was what he was good at, after all...