Victoria was still fast asleep an had no clue that Bur'nak was carrying her through the forest and that he dug a hole and made shelter so the sunlight would not hit her or anything. She was pretty much a heavy sleeper so nothing could wake her up except the sun light hitting her and when she sensed danger near by. When he was holding her close she felt warm and comfortable and snuggled closer to him wanting to get more of the warmth that he had. As she slept she only had dreams about her awful past with her so call family pretty much abandon her and just walk away from her like she was nothing like she never really existed. The one thing that had always crossed Victoria's mind was why keep her around, what was the point, why not banish her with mother to prevent this but no she was kept there but she did not know why. She continued to sleep in Bur'naks arms peacefully waiting for the sun to start going down or until she was ready to awaken from her deep slumber.