[b]Name:[/b] George Smith [b]Username:[/b] CodeMaster [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Location:[/b] New York, New York, United States [b]Appearance:[/b][hider=george][img=http://lh5.ggpht.com/-IgaLXjjq2vQ/RllSrPZP2XI/AAAAAAAABPg/eDi6JcnK0u0/Wizzard1.jpg][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] In real life George is a submissive and nervous man who does whatever he's told. In his gaming life however George is a different person. He's a decisive and assertive leader. Some see him as a villain. Some admire him as a mastermind. In the world of gaming CodeMaster will stop at nothing to get what he desires and what he desires is always more power, influence, and control. [b]History:[/b] George was raised by very strict, abusive parents. If he ever stepped out of line he was beaten. So he survived the only way he could. He obeyed the every command of everyone who had authority. He got straight As in school and went to college. He was too nervous and fearful to ever make any friends. When his schooling was over his parents kicked him out of the house. Left alone George became desperate and got a job at a customer support call center. Day in and day out he answered phones and gives company approved answers to questions. Just a cog in a machine. It was pathetic and he knew it. Still he felt it was impossible for him to do anything else. He believed it was simply his nature to be pathetic. Then one day while using his computer he discovered something very interesting. His first mmo. It was a sandbox game that allowed great freedom. George very much liked the idea of a world where he was free to act without consequence. He played the game and was entranced by it. Before he knew it not only was George successful in the game but he became the leader of a powerful ever expanding kingdom. He was amazed by what he was capable of. In the real world he was nothing but in the game he was great and powerful ruler. Since then gaming was all that mattered to him. He gamed whenever he wasn't sleeping or working. Work was simply a means to keep the internet and electricity on and he only slept because he had to. The game was all that mattered. [b]Class Type:[/b] Offensive Magic(preferably summoner)