Takashi was glad that he had acted before anyone got hurt, but more creatures were coming and he was pretty sure there'd be no way for him to fend all of them off. But that didn't stop him from giving a valiant effort, taking down the monsters as they approached with swift kicks and powerful jabs meant to disarm and subdue.Yet no matter how many he took down either they'd just get back up or more would take their place, sometimes both. "Ugh, is there no end to these monsters?!" Just then he saw what appeared to be a Jack-O-Lantern appear out of nowhere and scorch a whole horde of the monsters, decimating their numbers. Takashi could merely watch in awe as the creature burned monster after monster. But still it wasn't enough as more kept coming. [i]"The guns are not real!"[/i] The woman's voice rang out again. [i]"They are used to bring out your potential. They are the only way to destroy the monsters! You must shoot yourself with the evoker."[/i] "Shoot myself?" His hand drifted ever so slightly to the gun-like object stashed in his back pocket, his fingers brushing the metallic grip. His mind flitted between what the voice said, and what his own mind was screaming at him. His hand slowly gripped the cool metal before his mind finally won out. Takashi shook his head, withdrawing his hand from the grip and preparing to face the creatures in front of him. [i]"This dream state, anything that happens to you in here will happen to your body. You will die if you do not summon your potential. I'm sorry, but that is the way it will work! There are ten monsters in front of you! Their weakness is fire as far as I can tell. Hurry!"[/i] The voice added after a few more moments passed. "Good to know, that means I can't get hit. It's just like a match, bid my time and strike." Takashi carefully watched the approaching monsters, preparing to strike down the first one to come in range. But suddenly he felt cold metal against the back of his head and a smug voice that sounded so loud in his ear say, [b]"You first."[/b] His eyes widened and his mouth dried as he processed what was about to happen. [i]Is this it? Am I going to die here? I can't, who's going to look after Megumi?[/i] His thoughts were cut short by the sound of the trigger being pulled, causing Takashi to screw his eyes tight in response to what he knew would come next. However instead of pain and his brains splattering everywhere, there was pain and the sound of glass shattering. Blue flames appeared around Takashi's feet and around the glass fragments that came out of his skull, the fragments then formed to become a young boy with snow white hair, fox ears, and nine-tails wearing a white hakama and clutching a pure, snow white orb. Takashi opened his eyes after the pain subsided, his eyes falling on the boy who floated in mid-air. "KItsune." He heard his mouth say, yet somehow he knew the name fit. KItsune nodded and turned towards the group of paper monsters coming at them, nonchalantly holding his orb out as flames enveloped every single one of them. Yet more came, to which the young boy merely spare a glance before torching them as well. There were a few more and perhaps more on the way, this time Kitsune looked espectantly at Takashi, as if asking for permission. "Take them." Takashi ordered solemnly as he rose to his full height, watching as the young boy burned monster after monster.