[b]"I don't suppose someone could explain what the [i]fuck[/i] is going on!?"[/b] Dominick's patience was wearing thin. As much as he'd like to keep a level head, he can't even asset the situation properly; no one was explaining anything currently going on aside from immediate danger, and even this strange voice in the head was only tell them a lot of things that honestly made no sense to him. Shoot himself with the gun? It doesn't even have bullets. He wasn't even sure if it was a gun. And if what she said was right, that anything that happens here would happen to him in real life or some such, why would he want to shoot himself in the head and die? Than again it's either that or getting torn to shreds by these paper monsters, though given that he's done fairly well beating them down he opted to hold his fire. On the bright side, at least the voice gave him a number of enemies before him. Ten of these paper monsters people were talking about, who were weak towards fire. The latter bit might not help him much right now, but it was something he would take note of. Dominick took a deep breath and tried to clear his thoughts. blocking out the shouting and the fighting, he needed to hear where these monsters were coming from. Though he didn't need too for long; one of the beasties just ran up to him and stabbed him. Only due to pure luck did he not get impaled, and instead it grazed his ribs and tore through his shirt. The pain was unbearable; he thought that something this painful would be enough to snap him awake, but maybe the voice in his head was right; he would die here in both the dream world and real world if he didn't fight back. [b]"Fine... Than fight I shall."[/b] Thanks to the monster, Dominick knew that it was close to him. Close enough to grapple. He grabbed the monster's bladed arm tightly, and his grip was strong enough that the monster couldn't free himself from Dominick. [b]"I'll be taking this!"[/b] the blind kid threw the paper demon onto the ground with a well executed shoulder toss, but kept his hold on the beast's arm as he began to tear it off it's shoulder. It was made of paper, how tough could it be?