"Oh, okay. I am quite certain that as long as your siblings stay in the cabin, being armed and armored should be fine," Ariel said between his statements. She flashed him a smile. If the Ares cabin wished to be ready for a potential fight, then that was their prerogative. There was other things for her to worry about, like making sure her brother was on his way to the meeting and taking care of the lump on Walker's head. She spun, skirt swirling around her in a bit even after she came to a stop and it needed to settle, to face Walker. Her mouth opened to say something, but she heard the shouting Adrian did. It caused her to hesitate and look over her shoulder at him. Turning back to Walker, she said, "Come along." A beckoning sweep of her arm accompanied the words before she started off back to the Apollo cabin. Not even hesitating, she opened the door. "Samuel, your presence is requested by Chiron in the Big House for a meeting of Cabin Heads." She stepped to the side, just inside the cabin. "Oh, and you all know Walker, yes? Would you please all allow for him to be in with us during quarantine? Someone needs to observe his injury and I would feel more comfortable if that observation was done by one of us. I volunteer my own space for him to be in, before anyone asks." After all, her own injury was nothing more than a pink line already barely defined. If anyone needed tending, it was the boy that winced when he touched his head. There were a few questions, only one protest, but after her siblings discussed it amongst themselves, it was their cabin head that gave the final nod. "Yeah, he can stay." Samuel looked around at the siblings, reiterating the orders from Chiron. As he stepped out of the cabin, he gave Walker a hard look. "You better be on your best behavior. We're being nice by letting you into our cabin - so you better give thanks to Apollo when you make your offerings later." With that, he headed off to the Big House for the meeting.