Elsewhere, Simon Hunter did a very similar thing. The mysterious web page had intrigued him; he'd always been fond of MMOs, and anytime a new one was unveiled it gave him a thrill of anticipation. But this was different; it wasn't just an ordinary MMO, but a mystery to be solved. No buildup, no public unveiling, just a mysterious website with a mysterious message. To further add to it, a couple of weeks later a closed beta was announced. Simon wanted in, if only out of curiosity for this strange unknown game. But no offers ever went up. There was nowhere to apply. He began to doubt the likelihood of the game actually existing. A hoax, it seemed, was the general explanation, to Simon's disappointment. Mysteries were a personal fascination with him, and the revelation of trickery never failed to frustrate him. Tonight, though, he discovered a mysterious new message whilst checking the site for the last time of the night. When someone pointed out the hidden link in a chat room, he'd checked it of course. Everyone said it was just an error, but Simon held out a little hope. What he got was another mystery, though. This wasn't what they'd talked about. He hadn't signed up for a closed beta; after all, as far as he'd seen there was nothing to sign up for! Oddly though, nobody else seemed to find the message he'd encountered. Simon checked all over the page for the next ten minutes, trying to find another secret, another clue, something to explain this. But nothing came up. It was so annoying; Simon hated things without solutions. It was just annoying that he wasn't smart enough to figure this whole thing out, especially since he'd kind of wanted to try that mysterious new MMO sometime. Finally, tired and frustrated, Simon went to bed. He didn't get up the next morning.