Rather than instantly reply to Calvartem, Conquest turned in the direction the Keeper was facing and levitated into the air slightly to see for himself. Though this action did likely reinforce the image of him as deliberate, it did not take him long to make up his mind. "It will be a pleasure." With that, he abruptly cut off the continuous transmission of heat to the air around him to create the powerful, centralized warm air currents that held his magic-infused obsidian body aloft. The impact of black, glassy stone against earth was neither satisfying nor intimidating (he much preferred shattering the cobblestone of a ransacked city when landing), though when he broke out into a full-on run, his flames whipped against the air and left a trail of smoke in his wake. This smoke trail made his approach to the wooden vehicle several hundred meters away very visibly to Calvartem. As the necromancer watched, Conquest raced straight for it. At first, the occupants of the cart, little more than toys at this distance, seemed to shocked to react. That, or their attention had been fixated on the raging orange glow over the next hill and billows of smoke where their town had once been. Finally, the men recognized their danger, and scrambled to escape the cart and make a break for it on foot. By that time, however, Conquest was in range. In a bright flare, he summoned his burning bow once again. He loosed a searing shot into the ground, which traveled through the rich, dark soil like a glowing fissure. Moving at more than double the pace of the terrified farmers, it quickly made its way beneath them and violently erupted into a plume of lava. The earth rumbled slightly as liquid flame rocketed skyward, incinerating the men and setting fire to the cart as well as the mule shackled to it, before it returned to the ground in a rain of hate. As a whole, the spectacle was both deadly in its efficiency yet very ostentatious, much like Conquest himself. The Construct returned to Calvertem slower than he had departed but still in good time, leaving ashy footprints in the grass with every step. The Death Spire had risen slightly in his brief absence. "Too easy," he declared.