Jacenta clicked on the mystery link, expecting a 404 error like the abundance of others on the forum. She was tapping on the left side of the keyboard impatiently, waiting for it to load. "I knew it, those guys were- Okay." She spun around tons of times in her chair, expecting there to be a 'Just Kidding!' in the corner. [i]"Thanks for participating in the Closed Beta."[/i] She was currently in an IRC chat, as well. [i]wtf was it? [b]a closed beta[/b] lol wtf I only got a 404 error You're probably seeing things lol what are you smoking are you on cocaine[/i] She wanted to think that they were right. She [i]needed[/i] to think that they were right. If she kept saying 'no, it was real', she'd, obviously, be a laughingstock in the community. That happened to many other people in the IRC, and, obviously, they had to move. 'probably. I need sleep anyways.' was one of her last few comments. She took the rest of her night to think about the link. It obviously wasn't an error to her. She saw the thread on the forums, and other people it too. So, she naturally thought maybe others didn't have the right browser or something. She went to sleep at about 4 AM that night, since she was sitting there for a while, puzzled.