[CENTER][B] Liam Flemming Near Torderd maze[/B][/CENTER] Liam took deep steading breaths, taking another step backwards as the smell began to form in the area. He heard footsteps, and turned his head, loon at the young women running towards him. The girl from earlier that stopped the two girls... Raven. That was her name. He looked at the dead girl, nearly gagging again. Not being able to stand the smell, he brought his hand up to cover his nose. His body was lightly shaking, due to he stress and shock. At her question, he took another breath before speaking," a-after I left you both... I was walking to find her and her friend... I was a bit further away from here when I heard the scream, so I came to investigate." He took a deep, shaky breath," I saw her," he nodded to the body," fighting through the trees. She ran towards me, and grabbed my arms, she was crying hysterically, and she said..." He glanced at her, trying to remember her exact words," that Lily was dead, and she was in the middle of saying help when... W-when... Some liquid began to flow in her veins then over her skin... B-blood ran out of the side of her mouth... She was decaying, rapidly.. while still alive... I-in f-front of m-me..." After that, he was unable to keep it in any more. Turning away and rapidly removing his hand from his nose, what food he had in him was spewed from his stomach, splattering over the grass. He then threw off his mask, arms resting on his knees, dry heaving a little, nothing available to come out. He slowly straightened, wiping off his mouth with his sleeve, his hand running through his hair. Sweat covered his face and ran down his neck, taking off the suit jacket. He was too hot for it. He said," s-sorry..."