[center][b]Cris / The Free Spirit[/center][/b] [b][i]"Rosa, I'm going to be in my room call me down, when dinner's ready!."[/i] Cris just got home from the gym, he had to check his laptop, he had gotten a message on his phone, about a new game. When Cris logged into his email account he saw the link. When he had click the words on the screen, next thing that popped up was, [u]Thanks For Participating In The Closed Beta![/u] Cris was confused when nothing else happen after that. [i]"That's it?, Nothing else, what a rip off." [/i]Cris went to lay on his bed and fall asleep, listening to music. Maybe it was just a slow game or something. Cris hated when the game lagged, before he could even play it. He would just leave the laptop on, and maybe when he had woke up after awhile, the game would be on. It seem like a fun and interesting game, Cris was looking for a new game so this would work.[/b]