The music ended up changing to what Jack had recommended. He actually was a little surprised, but only by a little. He ended up starting to rock out to the sound of Shane Told’s screams. He was actually enjoying himself. The music definitely was loud, but it was more pleasing than the Brit-raving music that Alex had on beforehand. As he continued to rock out to the music, things took a turn for the worse. It would seem some very unfriendly people decided to ruin the party in such a way that they had to do it with gunfire and explosives(not exactly in that order). The results of the explosives and gunfire resulted in the car flipping over on the roof. Of course, the car’s safety functions kicked in. Jack wasn’t sure if that was good or not. Even though he had his seatbelt on, Jack wasn’t really going unaffected by the end-result of the car flipping over. His head was killing him. It didn’t seem to be any worse than that, but most likely he has a concussion…or worse. Jack was just hanging upside down with his seatbelt pressing hard against his skin. It was so hard that Jack’s skin was starting to crack from the pressure. There was blood oozing out from his white tank-top, but Jack was still able to move, at least enough to know that this situation was really bad. Jack tried his best to reach for his seatbelt, but he was still trying to establish what was up and what was down. Thankfully, it only took him a few moments to figure everything out. Taking his hand, he reached over to the opposite direction to unhook his seatbelt, which of course caused him to land on his head. [b]“OW!” [/b]Jack yelled out. The prior pain he had from the initial impact was bad enough, but landing on his head just added to the pain. As he tried to get in an up-right position again, Jack was a victim of blood rush, which happens when someone is upside down for a long time and then they rush to an up-right position. Yup, that happened to Jack. In any case, Jack just tried to think of a way to which that everyone could get out of this mess without getting killed. As everyone else started to also get in their upright position, Chase asked if everyone was alright. [b]“Yeah, I’m alright, though my head is killing me.”[/b] Jack said. The realization that there were bullets just shooting at the car only made this situation even that much more bad. The idea of getting out was a captain obvious moment, but the idea of how was that going to happen was something that Jack found a bit troubling. That’s when Will told Chase to use his powers, to which Jack thought was a wonderful idea, but could they kick in at the start of it. It would seem that Chase had to try, and that’s why he turned to one of the side doors. He needed to get that sucker at least somewhat opened so that Will could pop up an earth wall or something of the like. Chase did punch the door, and it failed as heard by his cursing out in how frustrated he was by it. He tried again and again and again, and it worked. Surprisingly, it worked. [b]“Wow, nicely done, Chase.” [/b]Jack said a bit surprised at how strong that Chase was. [b] “And cool armor.”[/b] Jack was a bit amazed by it. Perhaps he was even starting to be a big fan of it. Who knew right? As Jack gave Chase that compliemnt, Will proceeded to shove them out of her way, which made it to where Jack and Chase were pressed against each other. It was a bit rude of Will to do that, but that’s just how she is. It’s what makes Will is all about. As she moved towards the opening of the door that Chase had punched out, she did her thing to where she could feel about the ground to start creating a wall. It must’ve taken a lot out of her because the wall itself seemed to be around ten feet high. That was mighty impressive, but Jack had no time to admire it. As soon as that wall came up, she beckoned everyone to get out of the car as soon as they could as quickly as they could. Jack was having difficulties getting out of the car in the quickness that he would have liked, but within a minute, maybe less, he was able to get out only to see Will further use her ability to lengthen the wall. It was mighty impressive. Jack can admit that much. He seemed to have gotten out of the car at the wrong time cause it seemed that Will was crying about the fact that her rum was gone. Jack didn’t know what to make of this, so he didn’t say anything about it. Finally able to at least stand, Jack knew the easy part of this all was all over. Now the hard part came and boy wouldn’t that be fun. [b]“So, what’s the plan? I don’t know about you guys, but I thinking we show these guys not to mess with mutants. What say you?”[/b]