After handshaking the girl, he noticed that it looked like she got out of a trance and muttering [i][b]"Hello there..."[/b][/i]He sat down on his chair, slowly sucking on his lollipop, he forgot to ask the girls name, being as absent minded as he is. He listen to the sweet melody of the piano and then glanced back and sees a guy picking at his nails, he smirks and thinks to himself "So people do get really nervous on the first day, huh." In an effort to make friends, he got out of his chair, saying "I'll be right back for a second" to girl he was sitting next too. "I don't think she heard me, but whatever." Walking to the guy who was picking his nails but stopped sitting next to a guy with black hair "They look somewhat similar, are they related?" He thinks to himself. Then he quickly turns a chair around and sat infront of the guy who was nervous while offering him a lollipop, "You look a bit nervous, but here calm your nerves with a lollipop" He smiles and gets up, fixes the chair and promptly walks back to his previous seat with the girl who looked like she was in another trance. "Again huh, oh well, its fine for now I guess." He leans back and listens to the melody again.