Tyler had watched as Evan tapped on the shoulder of the girl in front of him, but quickly looked away, a slight blush already coloring his cheeks. He knew he would get pulled into the conversation one way or another, and would probably end up embarrassing himself. He idly listened as Evan introduced himself to the girl, but his attention was drawn away from the two when someone approached him. [i]"You look a bit nervous, but here calm your nerves with a lollipop."[/i] Tyler's blush grew a shade darker as he accepted the candy. He was barely able to stutter out a thanks before the boy left. He immediately turned to Evan, whose attention was focused on the girl as she replied to him. Evan shook her hand and smiled. "It's nice to meet you too, Alyssa." Evan glanced over at his brother as Alyssa greeted him, puzzled to see that he was now holding a lollipop and blushing. "This is my younger brother, Tyler. He's in Section B too." Evan took care of Tyler's introduction for him, which wasn't a rare thing amongst the two. Tyler glanced at Alyssa briefly and gave her a nervous smile and small wave, before looking back down at the lollipop he had yet to unwrap. Evan quirked an eyebrow at Tyler, an amused air about him. "Where'd you get the candy?" Tyler shook his head a bit, still confused by what had happened himself. "Um, this kid gave it to me, then left," he replied, his voice unsure, seeming to fade off at the end. "Well, it's probably safe to eat. I doubt someone would go through the trouble of drugging a lollipop." Evan chuckled as Tyler looked at the candy even more closely before cautiously unwrapping it. He turned his attention back to Alyssa. "So, what extracurriculars are you signed up for?"