[b]Spring 4. Lumina Ranch. 10:00 am[/b] Skye had returned from the [b]Peck Ranch[/b] around 9:00 with a basket of fresh farm eggs and a ghostly look on her face. When her brother asked what had happened, all she said was "I forgot about their rooster." and handed him the basket of eggs and strolled through the field to return to her chores. Shade chuckled at first at the look on his sister's face but then shuttered, thinking about how nasty a rooster could be in spring. He took a moment to carry the basket into the eggs where they would keep, and returned to his herd of cattle. Ushering them about the vast field to prime grazing areas where the grass had regrown to a full length after their previous feeds. Once the cattle had settled he made his way over to Moomoo, the oldest cow on the ranch, who was pregnant with what Shade decided would be her last calf. She had born many strong, healthy cows and was the mother of the ranch's only bull; Mocha. He continually checked over his shoulder to keep an eye on the small collection of alpacas and his single black sheep, Cinder. The wooly mammals were usually quite calm in the mornings and required less attention whereas the cows were rambunctious and feisty in the cooler hours. He pressed his hand firmly, but with great care, about the pregnant cow's abdomen, checking the status of the calf. "Well old girl, any day now I say, what do you think?" The star cow mooed in bliss and licked Shade's face, leaving him with a disgusted look as he wiped the cud-smelling saliva from his skin. "I'll take that as an agreement. Well, I should probably get you into isolation soon." He paused, his hand caressing the animal's great head, before nodding and making his way into the barn to set up a private enclosure to provide extra comfort and solitude for the mother-to-be. --- Skye was glad to be back with her horses. She currently had 7 animals in the stables; 2 of her own, one of was her go-to work horse, a great clydesdale stallion, and the other was her helper, a white appaloosa mare who had a knack for learning quickly and a strong will to teach the others. Between her 7 horses and Shade's 10 cows, 5 alpaca and old Cinder, the barn was reaching its capacity with only 8 stalls left, one of which would be filled by the new calf when it came of age and another taken up by the collie and her pups. Though she often became stressed about the idea of having to upgrade their stables, she wouldn't have it any other way; Skye loved nothing more than to be surrounded by animals. Noticing that it was already 10:00am, she decided it best that she get the herd out to graze for the day. Calling Dagger to assist in the herding of the younger steeds, she effortlessly guided the animals into the bright air outside. The ranch was filled with lively whinnies returned by moos as the horses scattered about, some running to their favorite grazing locations, others running off to enjoy the company of the stocky cattle. The white appaloosa mare was the only one who didn't run off, but instead stood by Skye's side, sniffing the halter in her hand. Winter loved nothing more than leaving the confines of the ranch's fencing and venturing out into the thick woods of the valley with her rider. "I think today is the perfect day for a walk in the woods, don't you? I'm not very hungry after that little run in with the Peck rooster... You know what, lets take that young colt of ours out. He could use a good trail ride." Skye retrieved a second halter and a long shank to lead the chestnut on their venture. After mounting Winter, without any need for a saddle on such a casual event, she rode over to the young stallion and collected it from it's mother with a gentle tug on the lead. It wasn't long before the trio were out the gate and down the road, heading along the coast to head north on the path towards the Harvest Goddess Pond. Dagger accompanied them, as usual, and was blissfully dashing in and out of view in the thick forest. As Skye made her way through the woods, she saw the great Tree of Seasons rise up over the woods. All her life she had wondered about how a tree could grow to be so large, and how its leaves always displayed all four seasons, including a section of it that was barren and deathly looking as if to manipulate winter. As they made their way around the beautiful pond and ancient tree, Skye remembered there was a birthday in the town today. "[b]Wilhelm[/b]'s a good man. He should have a gift from the Lumina Ranch. Hmm, I wonder..." The family did not yet have a dog, and the collie litter was ready to be weaned and rehomed. Of course she would never assume a person was ready or willing to take on a puppy; she would have to think of an alternate gift. Perhaps the woodsman [b]Jaylin[/b] had something for sale. His craftsmanship was well known throughout town and she had no doubt that a piece of his work would be desired by anyone. "Well friends, off to [b]Jaylin[/b]'s then." Cutting through the woods, they made their way to the small log cabin in the woods where [b]Jaylin[/b] resided.