Kenji pushed off the ground actually swinging a little as he listened to Sonata, he supposed she didn't need any help with it then. He wasn't the best person to really assist anyway so he was partially relieved that wasn't a problem. When she mentioned the phone Kenji stopped swinging and closed his eyes for a moment, honestly he didn't see a reason to say anything but it wasn't as if it was a big secret at least to anyone that knew him. He opened his eyes and stood up from the swing before responding to her. "Well I suppose there's no harm in telling you and you did get to witness some of it," Kenji said rubbing the back of his head. "It took a bit of effort but I got permission from the school for some part time work after getting the blessing from my parents. That call was about work, I just got the days confused so he was a bit angry with me, it happens all the time so it's no worry. I figured I'd be able to get something from them to repay you, I still can...but I'll have to deal with my boss and I'd rather not so i'll make it up another way." Kenji put his hand on his hips and grinned a little bit. "I mean if you have the free time why not get a little work in you know, I like having some extra money in my pocket too." --- Breaker followed after Seraph glancing over at Sonata seeing how she responded, he shrugged his shoulders not really interested in the answer and shoved his hands in his pockets as they made their way to next area. Some event seemed to be going on tomorrow, he wasn't sure what the games were but judging by the two responses it was going to be short two people, a part of him wondered if it had something to do with Ironclad or this Mouth of the Void. He caught the change in Seraph's voice when she spoke of Mim, he watched her for a moment but turned his attention forward again. He wasn't sure what she had against her but he supposed living together in a place long enough can cause differences to surface. When they entered the food court Breaker was starting to wonder if Viral Talon had this constructed in such a way, it wasn't bad to look at it but he wasn't sure about the spiral staircases, he hated the monotony that came with going up and down them. Putting the thought aside he glanced towards the door hearing food being prepared, he wondered if other ego's were in there preparing the meal but before he could ask Seraph informed them there weren't any snacks but they were free to get something to drink. Breaker decided not to pass up the opportunity and followed behind her, he noticed Midwinter Envoy but casually stepped over him going over to get some water. He stared at the liquid in his glass before taking a sip, he offered a small nod afterwards as it wasn't bad, granted he drank from a spring earlier so it wasn't much of a comparison but that was beside the point. "Whatever the games are it seems those two didn't want to be involved," Breaker said glancing over Sonata before looking at Seraph. "I may be off with this but I assume some of that competitiveness comes from Ironclad." Breaker took another drink of the water finishing it off before wiping his mouth with the back of his glove. "I assume the ones cooking are people who also reside here? I can't help but find it strange seeing so many in one place, working together."