'If there was a choic between a left and a right door, which one is the one that you should go to. Well, right and right are homographs, same word, different meanings. So, logically, the right door for you to go into is on the right. Another win for logic. Okay, now go and socialize, you idiot of an author.' Sonya, again fell out of a trance. She looked around, and saw a group of people, all seeming to talk to each other. 'Oh, look, socialization. Hey, maybe you can stop making your character an absolute assing loner and start making her talk, you idiot.' Sonya sighed, before she sat up again and headed towards the group. The first one she saw was the one opening the lolipop. "Hi." She said, pretty nervously. She noticed that Jeremy was also in this group. "You guys really stick out..." In her head, they did. About 6 people, one standing up, how can you not see groups like this. Unless, of course, you're blind. Nevermind, Sonya was determined to actually start talking to people.