stands in the mine, wailing away at a stone with his hammer. He hoped he would fine iron soon because he wanted the day off bad, for it was his dogs birthday today, so he struck faster and harder smashing rocks at breakneck speed. Thought he was happy his dog lived another year , for it was 77 in dog years and was bound to die soon.Still he couldn't help but feel melancholy, Yes he had good pay, a good house, and was healthier than an ox, but he was lonely. He had no friends, no family, and worst of all no love. he wanted that the most. Love, someone to grow old with, he envied anyone who had such a person in his life. He then looked down and chuckled. he had found more than iron, laying there was silver, iron, and a purple gem. he looked at and smiled "maybe this will give me love" he thought to himself as he stuck in in his pocket and left. he then began walking home. he got off earlier than usual this day so he decided to detour through the town.