Character sheet: [u]Name:[/u] Jason Itztli (Obsidian/knife) [u]Age:[/u] 28 [u]Gender:[/u] Male [u]Height:[/u] 172.72 cm [5'8"] [u]Weight:[/u] 73.94 kg [163 lbs] [u]Eye:[/u] Sea foam green - likely not his birth color.  They stand out against his skin tone with devastating effect. [u]Hair:[/u] A messy, brown that's in obvious need of a cut.  It's not longer than the tops of his ears and covers his rather long forehead, keeping his proportionally attractive. [u]Complexion:[/u] He is a very pale, naturally golden tan that hints at western European mixed with South American.  He has strong features and smooth, unblemished skin.  When he's out in the sun for more than a few hours, his skin tone will darken to a (mild) coffee tone with lots of golden cream. [u]Blood Type:[/u] A neg, nanite heavy. [u]Bodily modifications:[/u] All normal and standard for military service as well as additional from his well-to-do family. [u]Occupation:[/u] Communication Officer; Cartographer; Secondary Programmer   [u]History:[/u] Brief military stint, though he left after a short term with great recommendations and medals though if his subordinates were questioned he was considered a bit of a dic and an awful leader.  He took a lot of short cuts and wasn't exactly accused of insubordination at times... but he wasn't with a pristine record for listening in the heat of the moment.    He hated the rigid authority which always felt choking - like his  vibrant personality was stuffed into some two dimensional grey boxed thing.  Instead he moved on to a known liberally-minded company that paid him to earn his masters in programming and communications - two things he was surprisingly good at even if his communication skills were, at best, one-sided.  Disseminating information - he was great with this.  Listening?  Not so much unless it served him.    When he joined this crew, it was in the role of a communications officer - though the term "officer" was merely reflecting of his previously retired station as an officer in the military.  He's a civilian through and through and adamantly sticks to this rather than let himself get pushed back into the role.  He wears his cloak of civilian status with great pride, but isn't hesitant to brag about his service to humanity either.    It's rumored that he joined the crew as a result of favoritism, but Jason believes he got in on his own merit.  Through the course of missions, we'll see if it's true or not.   [u]Personality:[/u] Narcissistic.  He comes off as shallow, but he prefers this than to being seen as anything remotely unattractive.  He enjoys one-upping people with their stories, even going so far as to "gently embellish" a story in his favor.  I'll add in detail later the elements of his narcissism, which is extensive, but not so much that it should hinder the story.    I'll add more details to this as I write as him.  I kind of consider him a bit of a class clown.  He loves attention, good [I]or[/I] bad.