Name: Alois Francis Jeon Appearance: [img=] Age: 17 [hider=Personality]Alois is made up predominantly by his parents' values instilled within him, laced with cynicism. Despite his distaste against false personas, he looks past all of that to see the bigger picture. He believes we are all meant to be something great, but it is up to ourselves to see if we can follow through. Alois stands by the fact that no one is born with a bad attitude, it is the events and people that shape them throughout their lives. Considering this, negative comments by his peers seem to roll off his back seamlessly while still keeping in mind the remark in order to constructively improve himself. He is a good listener and can lend a hand/shoulder whenever need be. Alois can be blunt at times, as he likes to be clear about his opinions so as to not give anyone false hope. He is quite intelligible and likes to state his opinions whether they are asked for or not. All in all, he is quite a well-rounded young man but it may be hard to get him to be able to trust freely again.[/hider] [hider=Short Biography]Alois was born to an interracial couple, specifically between a Korean refugee and an aspiring French humanitarian. His father, Hoseok Jeon, being a victim of war, had taught him the values of patience and kindness. One would not expect a man, bruised and beaten throughout his life, to still hold on to these teachings. Despite this, Alois was adamant on continuing his father's legacy. His mother, Denise Lejeune, had taught him to look past mankind's trivial imperfections and to keep in mind what peace and justice the world could achieve if we all just decided to throw away our differences. Needless to say, his parents were his main pillars during his time growing up and looked up to them more than anyone else. As an adolescent, Alois was taught both Korean and French. Although not fluent in either, he took pride in himself for trying. He had, however, mastered English as it was the main language spoken by both his parents. During his teens he had struggled with his social life as his own friends and classmates made it hard for him to trust many people. Despite his kindness towards the crowd, he had developed a sense of cynicism. He felt it would be easier to not fall into anyone's manipulative façade. Morals were still important to him, however. Keeping in mind his mother's words, he strives to see the good within everyone.[/hider] Birth date: July 29 Star sign: Leo Others: -strange attraction towards blood, leather and cuddly sweaters -bisexual -atheist -somehow manages to show up late to every event, no matter what level of importance -like alternative rock and heavy metal Special requests: -Would prefer it if there was an archery club. Extracurricular activities: -Home economics -Photography