It was meant to be the opportunity to get the deal of a lifetime. The business conference held in Tokyo was the perfect place for experienced business men and women alike to promote their business and get the funding they required to secure their business’s future…forever. It was where every business wanted to be. And it came with a first class plane ticket to wherever you were venturing from. The Pacific Air X11 was fresh off the production line. It seemed to have every gadget and gizmo a commercial plane could possibly possess – and you have just secured a place in first class. Only the best for those going to Tokyo’s Business Conference, naturally. But faults crop up everywhere…an engine blows… And suddenly, you find yourself stranded in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. ------------------------- [b]My Character[/b] Name [i]Melanie Celeste Solomon[/i] Age [i]23[/i] Business [i]Melanie is the head of Silver Linings Enterprises - the IT company, that aspires to be the next 'Apple' and is actually well on it's way to achieving that milestone[/i] Personality [i]Melanie is driven; you have to be, to be the head of a company. A terrible perfectionist, she always must ensure that every single task she carries out is completed to the highest possible standard. Her organisation skills are second to none. She is very comfortable in her leading role at the offices and has fronted many a successful campaign, giving speeches and charming possible competitors. Though she is very good at presenting a serene façade, she is very competitive at heart and as a result, finds it difficult to relax. Some may dub her a workaholic, but she just calls herself efficient. Leisure-wise, Melanie rarely finds herself with time to spare for hobbies, as such. The idea of 'chilling' or 'relaxing' is foreign to her and though she's involved in some sports (she plays for a local ladies hockey team), the environment and the competitiveness with which she plays makes this pastime as much a job, rather than a hobby with which to unwind. She is pretty good at presenting a friendly, sociable mask but she does not like to make close friends. She hates it when people she her as vulnerable or weak. [/i] Bio [i]Melanie had a privileged childhood; she grew up in a large, fancy, suburban house with her parents and a small dog. She's an only child and as a result, her parents spoilt her to a certain extent with no other offspring to wrap up in luxury. As both were wealthy business owners themselves, Melanie always had aspirations to create her own business and she learnt from an early age how to manage and work within a business environment. She eventually begun designing and creating 'Silver Linings Enterprises' when she was merely fifteen. And, now, eight years later, she owns one of the largest, most influential companies in the world. No one quite knows how the business became international in such a tiny period of time but her parents' connection certainly helped. She has had barely a handful of partners - as none of them truly understood that her career came first, in her eyes - but she is currently seeing someone. However, she is fairly certain that they are cheating on her but she simply hasn't had the time to end the relationship. Especially since she managed to bag a place at the Tokyo Business Conference. [/i] Appearance [img][/img] -------------- I may add to it later; I merely wanted to get the OOC thread up, so you could have something to start working on.