[center][b][img=http://i.imgur.com/MNYIwF4.png][/b][/center] Nova wasn't one for sitting around and listening to speeches, and she surely wasn't one for crowds. However, since it was her second to last year at this little school, Nova thought it would be only right to humor herself and sit about for once. She would be lying, however, if she said that the entire ceremony wasn't painfully boring. In fact, the poor girl had almost nodded off half way through, which conjured up an array of strange glances from the students around her. Reuben's voice was just so... Calming. And Nova had always been the one to fall asleep in strange or important situations. Words jumbled in her head, something about long experiences and new vacations, and Nova tried her best to stay alert and focused but the heaviness of not getting any sleep and the warm auditorium was just too hard to fight. The fact that she was currently sat in the middle of at least one hundred plus people kept her semi-awake, though, luckily. Once the Headmaster was done Nova stood, face as white as a sheet as her eyes groped for someone familiar like Toby, or one of her housemates to talk to. No one around looked familiar, though, nor easy to talk to, and the anxiety of sitting in such a large crowd was finally getting to her. She needed out, she needed quiet and clear air and no people. So, with quick movements she nearly jumped over the seats to her right until she was in the far aisle, walking swiftly towards one of the doors that lead to the halls. Once out of the auditorium, she retraced her steps, allowing her body to wander around the familiar building while her minds swirled with excitement for the new year. Sure, the classes were definitely going to get harder, and sure, there were a strew of new students who would be crowding the halls with their overzealous natures and touchy hands, but Nova did have a new roommate named Emmeline Lovelock, that's a cool name, and the Shamanism course she has been taking since day one was always fun, and that made up for almost everything... Maybe. Nova grinned to herself suddenly, pushing through another set of doors as a sudden gust of wind claimed her hair, throwing the mess of copper into a whipping motion. The grounds of Kingsridge were painted gold and red and yellow, and the air was brisk and light with the promise of a chilling winter. Nova quickly pulled out of the door frame and danced about the outdoor, laughter spilling from her open mouth as the wind sent a flurry of leaves into the air. Fall wasn't Nova's favorite season, far from it actually, as the trees slowly began to die and cry out in pain throughout the entire months, but she couldn't deny that it was gorgeous. The sound of rustling leaves filled her ears, and she slowly approached one of the many sturdy trees, touching her hand to the trunk gently. Loud, hollow sounds filled her head then, cries of agony, and she frowned deeply before jumping up to catch one of the many low hanging branches, pulling herself up easily. The cries had quieted now that she barely focused on the tree itself, and in the calm non-silence of the outside world Nova climbed high into the tree, relaxing more and more with each branch behind her. Soon, she was sat upon a high, sturdy branch, eyes scanning the half-covered grounds below. There was the slightest hint of music, a guitar perhaps, coming from under the tree to her right, the honking of cars coming from behind, probably from the city, and the familiar cawing of an owl coming from the tree to her left, but other then that it was quiet. Nice and calming. Nova leaned against the tree trunk and allowed her head to lean back, soaking up the rays that filtered through the golden leaves and branches above as she hummed a little tune, mind absolutely blank. The first day of her junior year was to be spent alone, and maybe that was a bit sad for some, but for the flower child it was absolutely perfect. Memories of Nevada and mom and day instantly filled her senses, the feeling of tree bark beneath her legs, the smell of winter coming from the ski lodge-covered mountains in the distance, the sound of rustling leaves and scuttling bugs. The essence of pure nature devoured her, erased the knowledge that she was still at school, and it was absolutely breathtaking. The sudden claws digging into her arm, though, was not a very pleasant memory to remember. Nova jolted forward as the sudden weight nearly dragged her off the branch, and she pulled her arm up to meet with the familiar face of Catcher, her owl. "You scared me..." She muttered, smiling as the large bird snuggled up against the nook of her neck, warming the surprisingly chilled skin with a flurry of feathers. Nova sighed and glanced down at the earth below again. The guitar music had ceased, sadly, and the wind had calmed to a gentle breeze, bringing with it the smell of smog. Well, that made sense, thanks to the massive, air-polluting city just down the mountain. Nova rose a hand to scratch the head of her owl before she swung her arm upwards, throwing the predator into the air. Eight talon marks gleamed red against her tan skin, aching ever so slightly, and after taking a moment to rub at the wounds she stood, balancing herself quickly before beginning the climb down. The cries of the tree were louder this time, even without Nova focusing in on the tree itself, and with each branch she descended upon the cries grew. At first, she thought there was a group of kids carving names into the trunk below, but she didn't hear any chit-chat. Then, as her feet connected with one of the last few branches, she realized the problem, but of course, it was too late then. The branch beneath her was rotten, creaking, though it appeared sturdy, and once more entire weight was centered on it something shrieked. The branch snapped, and Nova yelped once before she hurtled towards the ground. Colors, greens and golds and browns and blues swirled in her vision, and then her back collided with the soft earth below and her eyes closed, pain swelling from where she landed. Black dots danced across her vision, but quickly faded, and her mouth searched for air but found none. This used to happen a lot more back home, when she was younger, but her distracted mind today had cursed her. Nova knew she wasn't seriously hurt, just a bit frightened, yet she didn't move, and instead stared up at the hanging branch that had just dropped her and the sky beyond which held clouds and Catcher, blue eyes narrowed tightly. She eventually managed to catch her breath and sit up, wincing slightly as her back pulsated with pain momentarily. The tree had ceased screaming so loudly, and Nova decided that it's pain was caused by the rotten branch. Catcher eventually dropped down to perch on her shoulder, but quickly leaped back into the air when Nova lurched against the talons that dug right into a sore spot. He came down again to rest on her knee, staring up at her with what might have been a look of worry. Nova smiled gently and scratched the owls head once, "I'm fine, C." she whispered, scooting back a bit until her back was resting against the tree behind her. The owl screeched in response and Nova grinned before leaning back again, watching the school grounds, ignoring anyone who might have seen her fall. No need to show any weakness, no need to talk to any of them. Just think about something else, anything else. Like... Herbology and Charms and Dark Arts... And Nova allowed her mind to drift, wondering about school and if her back would bruise and about her roommate and owl and whatever that could be wondered about.