[center][b]Central Apartment Blocks[/b][/center] Matthew noted that the bullets exchange was over as soon as it started. It was good news for him as he disliked the position where he can't take shots without being detected and shot at. Nevertheless, it looked like he had to continue if what the U-ARM plan involved demolishing the building he's in. "Me, Matthew, Junko, and our mystery woman friend can cover Abimael's escape. Kai can help Kiku and Abimael out before U-ARM gets to do whatever it is they're planning," one of the women said through their radio. Was she in shock or something? Matthew checked the bullets amount in his current magazine, replacing it with a new magazine if there were left than 5 bullets left in it. "Once you are all out of there, I can get Junko to safety with my jet pack, and our... Mystery woman... Has her own. Ready..." "Alright," he responded as he trained his rifle down the hall and back for any sign of U-ARM.