In contrast to everyone’s anxiousness, Marina seemed to be quite elated during the climb. While Klaus and Church exchanged quiet murmurs in German every now and then, Marina stayed surprisingly quiet – Occasionally she would hum gently, or idly wonder aloud about their progress. [i] “It sounds like terrible advice, but try not to breathe as much. You can probably hold your breath a lot longer down here.”[/i] ‘Don’t breathe as much’. Marina never thought someone would tell her that – It was an odd piece of advice, but she could handle it. She once held her breath for a full minute to throw off some cargo inspectors. She’d almost forgotten, honestly; it felt so far away, those days of never being able to rest easy, always fearing something or someone. She hid it under her cheery demeanour, but deep down a part of her was eternally thankful that things were different. She had people to lean on now – Even if her ego wouldn’t let her admit it. As they sat down around the fire, Klaus let out a sigh, propping his sword up on his leg. For a moment, he looked it over – The sword hadn’t actually been used properly since that day. Though he often practiced with it, he honestly kept it around more as an intimidation tactic. It didn’t exactly give off the vibes of a Runner weapon, with its pitch-black blade and keen edge. Swords were generally a rarity amongst most of the factions – Knives, maybe. But very rarely swords. He relied on that to end fights before they started. He leaned in, watching the cans sat over the fire. He was hungry, that was for sure, but he didn’t seem to be the only one. Even ignoring Kenna’s stomach growling (he figured it would be polite to not mention it, she seemed embarrassed), Marina was gazing at the cans as if she could eat them by staring them down hard enough. [i] “You’ve all made me really proud, today. Tomorrow we hit The Black Church, so I want you all fed and rested… How’re you all feeling?”[/i] Klaus eventually shifted his own gaze over to Church – He looked exhausted. Who could blame him, really? But even now, he still asked how everyone else felt. Klaus had to wonder if they deserved a leader like him, someone who tried his hardest so smile of the team, even when in his state. “Huungry. Sehr hungry,” Marina whined. Klaus chuckled softly, shaking his head. Marina could be really oblivious sometimes, even towards someone she felt so strongly for. Klaus nodded gently. “I’m feeling gut, mostly,” He replied. As he was about to return the question, Kenna piped up. [i] “Are, um, are you al- alright, uh, Church?”[/i] It was a slight surprise – She had very rarely heard Ms. Vagen talk, she usually seemed to be lost. Klaus often thought about striking up conversation, but… He figured the last thing someone like her needed was someone as tall and discomforting as he was talking to her. “Ja, I second that. You seem sehr beat, Church. Are you OK?”