Evangeline would admit she had spaced out for a few good minutes staring at the old man on stage. Watching him move things back and forth, as if he was a robot. [i]"What if our principal is a robot?"[/i] Eva thought to herself squinting her eyes to look at the man more carefully. Like clockwork it seemed that the man could feel her gaze, and glanced up at her for only a moment. Perhaps he could sense her staring, or worse yet, he could read her mind? A gasp escaped Eva's light pink lips as her petite body slumped down in her chair, her green hair barely visible from view. Her parents had always hated how she had dyed her hair. She was originally a blonde, but as she grew older she went through multiple colors, pink, red, lavender, blue. Green made her eyes stand out, so she had kept with it a few months now, but she would probably soon grow tired of it and make it another color. When she thought the coast was clear she began lifting herself back up into view, with a quick glance at the Principal she could see he was back to his robotic work, and so her gaze traveled else where. A good size group of people were gathering a few rows down in front. [i] "Why is everyone eating lolipops?" [/i] Evangeline questioned out loud to the people around her, but to no one in particular. Eva leaned forward in her chair, thinking about what could be laced upon them. [i]"Is there a drug ring here, and no one knows about it?"[/i] she pondered, licking her lips slightly. [i]"Won't mom and dad be so proud if I got involved in that huh?"[/i] she snickered, leaning back in her chair as she continued to watch the group of people communicate. [i] "Ah.. fuck it." [/i] she groaned, tying her mangle of her hair up into a more approachable pony tail, and getting up to walk towards the group. It was then, the one boy decided to bow and things went south. Walking right into the man's butt, her green eyes widened 5 times the size, and her cheeks turned 5 times the shade of red. [i] "Well, that is one way to say hello."[/i] she mumbled, backing up a bit from the man who continued to normally introduce himself to the people, even asking for the obviously drug laced lolipops. Eva stared in horror, [i] "Had he not felt his butt touched? Is he a robotic spawn of the principal?" [/i] the girl wondered, slowly reaching her hand out to the touch the man's butt again.