Kiena timed out the orc's swings and dove to the side just as the axe swept past her. She rolled and jumped back to her feet, leaping forward for a strike at the back of the orc's knee to cripple it before it could regain its balance. As she moved to get out of its attacking range, she added a second swipe at its other leg in hopes of bringing the beast to its knees. If it worked, she would have a clear shot at its head. "Rafa, you good?" Kiena called back to her teammate during the brief opportunity she had while the orc was regrouping, although she didn't take her eyes off of her opponent for even a second. She knew she couldn't let it finish recovering from the initial shock of her first attack or she would miss her chance. She sprang towards the orc again with a fresh burst of speed, aiming her blade for its exposed throat.