Parker was absorbed in finishing her meal, the creamy whiteness of her milk was replaced with flecks of cereal here and there. Just as she was about to take the bowl and put it to her lips, she heard the last few words of her seatmate- "...doing here? In this town, I mean." Dark brown lashes flickered as her eyes looked to the male she'd chosen to sit with, saying nothing as she continued to drink. What was the typical response to a question like that? Then again, Parker thought behind gulps of milk, she wasn't even sure if the guy really talked to her. Inwardly, she cursed herself for not bringing her meds with her, swearing to take her daily dose as soon as she went back up. She also cursed herself out for choosing to sit next to someone in the first place. She knew she was anything but a conversationalist, so why would she put herself in such a situation? Honestly it was enough for her to smack herself. Resting the bowl on the table with a light clatter, Parker licked her lips as she thought of a reply. Something not to obvious, something that would seem like a nice conversation starter. That way, if she /had/ been hearing voices earlier, at least if she replied it would seem as though she was merely trying to engage in conversation. And being awkwardly friendly was always much more preferable than looking like a loon, in Parker's opinion. Dipping a hand into her bowl of fruits, her slender and slightly tan fingers plucked at a cantaloupe cube. "This place seems nice," she replied after five seconds of deliberation in her head, placin the fruit in her mouth. That should have been a decent enough response, she inwardly approved, besides, even if the guy really was talking to her, it's not like she was going to spill her life story right there. It was tactless. And probably impolite. "What are you doing here?" asked Parker as she used her free hand to tuck a stray strand of brunette behind her ear, sounding as though she were starting another conversation rather than continuing another one. Squeezing a grape behind a closed mouth, Parker swallowed and continued, softly, "In this town, I mean?"