Here we go :) [hider=Mercy]Name: Mercedes Jasmine Clueman (Mercy) Age: 22 Gender: Female Height: 5'7 Weight: 127lbs Occupation: Lady of Leisure Hobbies: Reading, Horse Riding, Archery, Singing, Playing the piano, Horseback archery, Writing, Dog Agility, Listening to Music, Painting, Clay work, Phobias: Nyctophobia(Fear of the Dark), Cleithrophobia (Fear of being Trapped), Hemophobia (Fear of Blood) - In her case she fears the sight of her [i]own[/i] blood. Others blood she can handle to a degree, lots of it may make her queasy. Personality: On the surface Mercy is a calm person, whom avoids confrontation like the plague. She's patient and tries to be friendly to everyone placing her trust in others very freely, she's easily offended and has been known to overreact. She's incredibly naive, her optimism knows no bounds and neither does her insatiable curiosity. Her courage is sporadic and she can come across as a proud if not slightly vain person on occasion. Despite coming across as 'shallow' there are hints that a lot of her behavior is more for show than being true. Theme: No Theme music as of yet Appearance: [img][/img] Clothing: (try to be detailed [e.g. instead of just saying trousers, put something like blue faded jeans] although you can miss areas of the body like head and hands for example) -Head: No longer wearing anything on her head. -Chest: Halter-neck shirt (As shown in appearance) With a [url=] tan leather jacket[/url] over the top that has general wear and tear around the shoulders and stains down the front of it. Around her neck she wears a [url=]locket[/url] inside is a picture of a sunset with the words 'The sunset will always be ours' printed across the centre. -Legs: Dark stonewash skinny jeans with ragged tear across the right knee and scuff marks across the left knee and a [url=] Hip quiver[/url] around her waist resting on her right hip. -Hands: On left forearm: [url=]Wrist guard[/url] with a red embroiding of a rearing horse on the inside of the bracer. On her right hand she wears [url=] a black right hand archery glove[/url] -Feet:[url=] Brown ankle boots[/url] -Back: [url=]Backpack[/url] Items: Salvaged items or given by other survivors inside backpack -[url=] Half full Water bottle[/url], -[url=] Car First Aid kit[/url] -[url=]Fully charged ipod and small headphones[/url] -[url=]Dog Blanket[/url] -[url=]Travel Nailkit[/url] Pocket: -[url=]Wallet.[/url] -House keys including [url=]Small torch[/url] Inside quiver pouch: -[url=] Bowstring wax[/url] -Replacement Bow string -Square piece of soft cloth for cleaning -[url=]Swiss Army Knife[/url] Weapons: -[url=] Saluki Bow[/url] a good bow used commonly in horseback archery. -[url=] 15 arrows[/url] -[url=]Car tire iron[/url] (Looped into belt) Vehicle: Horse (Deceased two miles out from the Quarry) Currently on foot Stats: (You have 18 points to distribute amongst the followings statistics. These are for you to gauge your characters abilities and to limit god modding in game. ***Note*** Awareness increases chance of "presents") -Awareness: 4- higher than normal senses -Close Quarters: 2- an old man could beat you up -Fitness: 3- can walk for a few hours -Marksmanship: 4- 15m -Speed: 3 - average human -Strength: 2 - strength of a teenager History: Mercedes is an only child, she was born in the UK and has lived her entire life in Peckleton, in Leicestershire living on a large property in Desford lane with her parents. Her father was a highly sought after heart surgeon whilst her mother was a full-time socialite, neither of them had much time to dedicate to their daughter after the initial thrill and popularity her birth gave them. She was near enough raised by their house keeper/nanny during her younger years and through into her early teens before the elderly lady passed away. She attended Ratcliffe College from the age of 3, entering into boarding around the time her nanny passed away at the age of 12. She was very successful in school, proving to be A* student throughout the whole experience, as she grew older and matured her father begun to pay her more mind. Her mother was blind to it all, too caught up in her socialite world. Mercy would often avoid coming home over the holidays if she could, though if her parents persisted she would cave in not wanting to cause unnecessary confrontation, she would attend parties and socialize if her parents required her to otherwise she spent a lot of time immersing herself in her hobbies all of which could be done alone, she has always wanted to be a novelist. Around about the age of 17 she met someone, a charming young woman who helped her out in more ways than one over the years to come. After they left college the pair took a year out and traveled around the world, as money was no object they went everywhere and anywhere. Mercy had her first taste of love and all of its wonders, although it was of the most forbidden kind and they both knew once they returned to England they would have to part ways. Mercy didn't fit into her partners life and her partner most definitely wouldn't be accepted into Mercy's life, with all of her parents snobby friends and the unspoken level of discrimination. Out of college with no plans for the future Mercy's next step was university where she took a major in Creative Writing. Which was an attempt to help her to become a novelist, throughout this time she became more involved in Archery and Horseback Archery entering into small competitions until she was accepted into the British Horseback Archery Association. Once she was a member she became aware of a lot of international events and has spent the last few years mastering the sport and making a name for herself though her parents strongly disapproved of her choice, they often asked her why she hadn't taken up Polo instead... Just before the outbreak Mercy had only just returned home after competing in the championships in Hungary, her parents were home with a fair few friends which was a surprise in itself. That night her father paid her a visit, it was around this time she became aware of Walkers, one of her parents friends had been unwell upon coming to them and was the cause of the trauma. Mercy saw her father being ripped apart by her own mother, barely thinking she grabbed her backpack, bow and quiver which were all within reaching distance as she hadn't put them away yet before she ran. She was still wearing her day clothes as she hadn't had the chance to change, she went straight for the stables luckily avoiding the other 'guests' it took her all of 2 minutes to tack up Prince before she made her escape heading for Leicester before being driven further north. Companions: None [/hider]