Read a majority of the basic information, interested in my character having been born in Beruga. I am going to be Earthean which fits the Beruga mold and Expert rank. My character would have mastered two weapons, one being a long sword, while the other a short sword. His apprenticing weapon would be throwing knives. One martial style he would have mastered is Nitojutsu (Katana, and Daito sword style). If these styles are not in this world, we can give another name or if you have one, I am just using the names that exist today to give it an easy identification. The second martial style is fictional, Ishidatami or "Stone Path". An art practiced by my character under one of his elders in the country of Beruga. The third apprenticing martial style would be that of something similar to Aikido. I honestly do not really have any questions, you seem to of put a lot of thought into this, I wanted to exercise my interest to you and see what the OOC brought to the table. If no one else finds interest, I also do not mind playing this world out with you in a 1x1. I like Feudal Japan, and I like the concept you have going here.