Very cool, Vin. I like what you have. I'd be fine with that being your CS (since I'm not a big fan of them). I will have my own CS up with bare-bones information as well when I post the OOC. I don't mind adopting names from existing styles, but it would also be interesting if you were give them new names and even slightly alter them, even, to make it more your own. I'd be interested in how your character chooses to implement these styles (maneuvers he uses most often, his favorite stances, if he's taught others the form, etc.) I have also made up my own martial art for this as well and will briefly describe it in the CS. I'm glad everything was relatively straightforward for you, though. I look forward to working with you (even if it is only 1x1, which I equally enjoy). Any thoughts or ideas you might have, feel free to post them here for the time being. As for me, I must go to work. I will post the OOC and my character when I get back before going to bed. Thanks everyone! :D