[img]http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2014/032/d/6/felicia_windrose_by_mage_akida-d74phyh.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Felicia Windrose [b]Species:[/b] Half Elf Half Human [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Occupation:[/b] Thief [b]Appearance:[/b] Felicia has sunshine blond hair that is hardly ever longer than her shoulders, that way she can put it in a pony tail easily. Her face is strong looking with high cheekbones, not really similar to that of an elf's face. Her nose however is long and slender sitting low on her face. Felicia's eyes are a deep green touched slightly with a bit of forest brown giving them a slightly unusual hazel colored look. Because she is a thief, Felicia prefers dark clothing over anything else. Her pants are midnight black and a light weight material that come tucked down into her brown leather travel boots. Her undershirt is forest green while her vest is a deep red in color. The gloves she wears on her hands are charcoal black and a mesh type material although it is not see through. [b]History:[/b] Felicia is the only daughter born to her human father and elven mother. She was born within the kingdom where her father resided as a Knight. He had battled for his king during several Orc attempted invasions of the kingdom. After he met the elven maiden that he fell in love with he retired from Knighthood and became known as a wealthy and intelligent Nobleman. A year later Felicia was born, a very healthy half elven baby, however her mother was weakened from the birth because the human structure of Felicia had made birth very difficult. Her mother recovered for the most part however and the family was happy for many years. At the age of five Felicia's mother grew ill, and while she tried to fight off the illness her lingering weakness from the birth made it difficult to recover. She ended up passing away due to this leaving her heart-broken and grieving husband to take care of their daughter. Her father did just that, he had no intention of loosing his only daughter as well, and so Felicia became a sheltered and slightly socially awkward child. At the age of 7 her father took a second wife, he only hoped that in doing so he could help Felicia find a female role model and another woman to become close with. Her step mother however had no interest in her new husbands "baggage" from his previous woman. In fact her interests were really in the amount of money her husband had, and while she pretended to like Felicia for a while she grew tired of the foolish act and the amount of "her" money Felicia's father spent on her. Her step mother decided to hire someone to make the girl "disappear" from the kingdom mysteriously, once she had it arranged she snuck up on Felicia and knocked her unconscious before tying up the girl and dumping her on the man she had hired to kill her. He took Felicia far outside the boundaries of the kingdom, he took a bit of time to relax before finishing his job, this was a mistake on his part as shortly after he sat to take a break he was held up by a pair of thieves who took what he had on him and then killed him mercilessly. They found Felicia by sheer luck as they stumbled upon her before leaving the camp. They decided to bring her with them back to their thieves guild, only because they thought maybe they could ransom her back to her family. Once Felicia came to she couldn't remember anything let alone her name or who her family was. Disappointed the two thieves nearly decided to get rid of the girl, however before they could another thief by the name of Emerile snatched her away from them. She decided that with her elven blood Felicia would make a good thief if trained right. [b]Personality:[/b] Felicia is calm and collected. She usually thinks things through carefully, although she has her irrational moments where she jumps in headfirst without thinking. Because of her upbringing with Emerile, one of the few female thieves in the area, she tends to be a bit flirtatious and a bit of a tease with guys, but she never lets that distract her when she's working as work tends to be her first love. Felicia is not known to back down to a challenge if someone decides to take her on. She has a good sense of humor if not a little perverted and sometimes sarcastic. [b]Likes:[/b] Stealing, Eating, Flirting, Dancing(secretly) [b]Dislikes:[/b] Her foggy memory, Killing, Stupid People, Bugs(secretly) [b]Weapons:[/b] Felicia has two main daggers that are her preferred weapon, she also keeps a small knife hidden in one of her boots as a backup weapon. She has been trained to use a bow although it is not her best nor preferred weapon of choice. [hider=My Plots for Felicia] Felicia X Male Character (Thief) Felicia is on the hunt for a big heist. She wants to steal something or steal from someone that will impress her mentor and show her that Felicia has improved her skills quite a lot since she first arrived at her thieves guild. She learns of a fellow thief(your character) that is looking for a partner thief to hit a rich person *Nobleman, Baron, your idea?* Normally neither one of the characters works with a partner but this heist is too big for just one person alone. Problems arise that keep the two from getting their haul. Possible twist is that your character is actually an assassin hired to kill Felicia? *feel free to expand on this idea if you want* Felicia X Male Character (Some kind of vigilante type character) Felicia is in the middle of a decent heist and is just about to make her get away when a soldier/guardsman/knight/mage/*your idea?* catches her in the act and captures her. She manages to escape your character however and disappears into the night. Your character tracks Felicia down to find her in a spot with an... unsavory band of soldiers from his town, who although have a lawful title are unlawful people. Your character in an act to protect a woman from danger kills the lead soldier and threatens to do the same to the other men unless they leave. Your character quickly realizes in doing this he has committed treason against his own people and cannot return to his home. *feel free to expand on this idea if you want* Felicia X Male Character (Ranger, Hunter, Scouter) Felicia's father has hired your character to find his long lost daughter, whom he feels deep in his heart is still alive even after 14 years missing. You manage to track down Felicia a long ways from home and convince her to return to her home kingdom to see her father, although she is reluctant due to the price surrounding her head thanks to her thievery. On the way back they run into trouble in the form of bandits, enemy thief's, soldiers looking for Felicia, and an assassin who was sent to kill Felicia by her own step mother. The two have to manage to stay alive long enough to get back to the kingdom and hope that Felicia is truly this mans missing daughter, and not someone coincidentally bearing the same name. [/hider] Want to know something else about her that I don't have listed? Feel free to PM me. Also PM me if you're interested in doing an RP with her. I normally am only interested in 1X1 RP's since they're easier for me to follow but try me, I might be interested.