Nolan resighted his rifle, trying to get a bead on another runner on the ramparts. As he did, something big appeared in the corner of his scope view. He blinked and flicked his reticle down to it. And instantly stopped dead. He couldn't even remotely believe what he was seeing. Victor stepped out of cover just moments before, and that's what Nolan saw. The immense giant stepping out into the open, presenting a clear profile for nearly everyone in an 1000m circle around him. Guns chattered, mostly from the fort trying to pick him off. But nothing seemed to work. He strode forward confidently, GMG raised and pumping rounds into the fort's courtyard, clearing cover in advance to keep the fighters within on the back foot. Nolan reached out and nudged Andrew. Then leaned in and pointed towards the front gate of the fort, "Look at that a human being? That guy we took out on the dam looks like a figurine in comparison to this guy!" Nolan returned to his gun, still shocked at the sight of the man in the heavy suit. ----- Carl thumped into cover a short distance beside Ross, swung up and mounted his LMG onto a wood spar just above him. He fired accurately up at the fighters opposite them, grinning broadly as he does, "Have I mentioned how much I love my job?" He suppressed a bunch of fighters down. He tossed a grenade up front chasing some fighters out of cover. He stepped all the away out, and began quick blurts of his LMG, clearing the path towards the fort and the rendezvous with Victor and Natalie. When they did make it Carl lowered his LMG for a few brief moments. There was just something about the two. They were like Chronos and Gaia. Zeus and Hera. Two primal forces, like two towers of rock with the ocean beating against them in a tide of gunfire and explosions. Carl had been in alot of shit since he donned the Juggernaut suit. He'd faced down enough men to have killed entire armies. Taken out armored detachments and pill boxes. Blown open doors with sticks of C4 and kicked down walls by sheer weight and strength alone. But he'd heard of moments where Victor had taken 7.62 rounds to the chest and walked away. Or supposedly flipped a half-ton technical on it's back and then torched it. Carl felt very small as they approached the two. ----- Victor took a .308 round right to the side of the helmet as Carl and Ross joined them. He barely reacted as he pivoted, his HUD highlighting where the marksman hid, then drew one of his USAS12s, and fired off five rounds. The modified penetrator rounds kicking right through the shooters cover and painting the wall behind him a very nice Coquelicot red. He then turned took look at the smaller Juggernauts. Despite the weight of fire, which had slackened quite abit as the long rifles started booming again, having taken a short break that they had. The shooters around the fort were busy keeping their heads down, not wanting to get hit by those big rounds. Victor nodded in greeting to the smaller juggernauts, "Well well, boozhoo gentleman and lady." He bowed slightly in respect to Jenny. He could tell it was a woman under all that armoring. It was clear, he'd learned how to tell the difference over many years of working with Natalie. Victor lead the way into the fort with his two smaller shadows. Carl ducked in behind Victor as they began to move, and made to exit and move up when Ross ordered him forward, "Sure thing Cap." He stepped out and around to the side. Leading the way forward. His lighter, but no less protective armor, allowing him to get into a point position a quick as he could. His smaller LMG coughing and chattering as he cleared out harder to hit targets. He also ducked and weaved. Grenade from Victor's big Grenade machine gun cranked past him, the big man letting them sail past the smaller man with pinpoint accuracy, blowing holes in walls for Carl to shoot into. Victor heard the telltale rrrrp of Natalie letting one off, "Is it wrong that I'm developing a fart fetish I wonder?" He gave Ross a swat, and pointed ahead, "There my friend, take that position. And let's get inside the fort." He blink targeted the remains of the main gate into the fort, and launched the last of his rockets. His rocket launchers clicked empty, then began to reload. The last bit of the gate blew off their hinges, and flew inward. Victor crowed as he made his way up towards the opening, "Knock knock! We're you're neighbours. The ones who you blew up our back yard!" He strode forward confidently. Watching as Carl ducked around the dismantled gate and made his way inside the fort's courtyard.