[center][img]http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/69263-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]Vinos Lux ~ 25 ~ Male ~ Paladin[/i][/center] [center][i][b]"The Lady has mercy... I do not"[/b][/i][/center] Weapon: [b]Smite[/b]- A blessed great sword that deals damage to evil people and creatures. The weight of the sword makes it unwieldy to smaller, weaker people. Like the Aegis of Vengeance it will gain power as Vinos grows, dealing even more damage to the followers of the dark and eventually allowing the blade to burn with fiery retribution. Armor: [b]Aegis of Vengeance[/b]- A suit of armor made specifically for the vessel of vengeance when the lady first descended from the sky. It has been handed down from one generation to the next and has finally found its way into the use of Vinos, the current vessel. The armor, at first glance, looks fairly mundane if not a little intimidating but if you were to look at it with more spiritually inclined eyes you will see that it is much more. The armor is locked, meaning that Vinos cannot exit the armor until the next vessel is chosen. This can take any were from several years to several centuries. The magic imbued within the armor keeps the wearer alive at the cost of touch and sensations of the skin. As the wearer gains strength the armor will to improve, gaining magical defenses against the elements and darkness. But for now it only provides the protection of armor, which is good enough for Vinos. Accessories: [b]Rosary of the Lady[/b]- Not only is it a prayer tool for the Lady but as he prays it gains power. When enough prayer has charged the rosary it can be harnessed as a blinding white light, an annoyance to people of pure heart but unleashing burning retribution to those whose hearts have fallen form grace. Skills: Wields Smite with expert control, has a will of iron, can read ancient texts and grants blessings of the Lady to people worthy of them. Personality: Vinos doesn't have much of a personality, being the vessel of vengeance ensured that. While other paladins learned how to spread the word of the Lady and defend her people, Vinos was trained to punish those who have defiled her. From a young age that has been forged into his mind and as a result, personality took the back seat. However that doesn't mean that he is an emotionless machine. Contrary to what he says he does have mercy, when confronted with those uneducated with the will of the Lady he will allow them to repent and learn the true meaning of service. But to those who deliberately go against her will and actively defy and defile her, well he gives no quarter or mercy. If you were to dig down deeper you will find a man who still feels wonder to the world around him, who finds pleasure in things as simple as a sunrise or the laughter shared between friends. Yet Vinos does not know how to partake in acts of camaraderie and joviality, a life of rigid discipline and hardship have deprived him of it. As a result he is a social cripple, unknowing of social etiquette and sensitivities. Perhaps he can learn how to become human through his travels instead of a tool of divine will. Brief Bio: When Grandrasil conceived Vinos he descended from the sky in a ball of fire, landing in the lands in front of the monastery of the Lady. When the monks and paladins arrived and found nothing a babe in the crater they took it as a sign. Taking the young Vinos into the monastery they soon realized that he was not a normal child, while he grew, bled, and felt like a normal child he was stronger, faster, and smarter than them as well. When the time came for organization into the ranks of the order his color from the pool was a oily, brimstone smelling black instead of the silver or white of the paladins and monks. It was then they knew, Vinos was to be the new vessel of vengeance. From that moment on Vinos was separated from the other children and trained privately by the high monks of the Lady. For many years he endured the training, both physical and mental until he was ready for his final test. Soon after his 20 birthday Arkair came, the past vessel of vengeance and challenged Vinos to a test of might, will, and heart. In the test of might Vinos had to wield Smite in a battle, not faltering or dropping it in any way. The test was hard but Vinos passed and moved on the the second. The test of will had Vinos stand in the middle of a village, one not aligned with the Lady and endure the ridicule of the ignorant. This test was much harder, he even almost failed when a man dared to spit on the rosary but in the end he passed. Lastly was heart, the hardest of them all. Taking the key of ascension, Vinos had to unlock Arkair. With a heavy heart Vinos twisted the key and passed the test, but not without wisdom from Arkair before he joined the lady, [i]"While we are tools of the Lady, do not lose yourself in the fires of vengeance... if you do, you will fall farther than any sinner could." Taking Arkair's words to heart, Vinos entered the armor and was locked in, finally becoming the vessel of vengeance in its entirety. Taking his leave from the monastery, Vinos traveled in the opposite direction of his home and continued to walk. Bringing divine retribution to scum and avenging the innocent, teaching them about the word of the Lady along the way. However now the war has come to his attention fully, locking himself in an inner conflict. Each side is guilty of crimes against the innocent and the Lady, but they are to big to take on by himself. It is a conundrum that has plagued him for about a year now. Until he can find a way to end both sides he stays neutral, fighting against both sides.