[center][img= http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/1.png][/center] Rose walked the two blocks that she had grown familiar with ever since she went to live with her father, the two had quite the system when it came to pickups and drop-offs as they each had a secret kept from the world. As she turned the second block, she went into an old abandoned warehouse where she stripped herself of her metallic silver costume and stuffed it inside of her small bag she would take with her to and from the Titans Tower for the weekends and adorned one of her more usual outfits of a band logo T, an almost too large black leather jacket and some faded blue jeans. Once dressed in a more 'socially acceptable' fashion, she left the warehouse and walked one more block and stopped at a local bus stop and sat on the bench, awaiting her father and inhaled the last of her last cigarette, tossing the butt to the floor and stomping it out with her boot. Unfortunately, it wasn’t soon enough as her father had just pulled up. Slade had divested himself of his armor having swung by their apartment first at the same time Rose got into her street clothes. Their timing was pretty well down as this had become quite the common routine. As Slade slid into a drift, simultaneously opening the door, she was already there, waiting; her blond hair tied in a ponytail trying to hide the evidence of the cigarette smell that might have been caught in her hair. As Rose slide in the car, closing the door, Slade clicked his tongue thrice. "What'd I say about smoking, Rose?" "I don't remember." Rose mumbled under her breath, slumping down in the luxurious leather seat of her father's car with a bit of a pout on her face. Not wanting to talk about her 'habits' any more, she sat forward a bit and turned the radio to one of her favorite stations to help detour the conversation. "Your home early this weekend. Did everything go okay?" "Target was successfully acquired but rendition will take a bit of work. He won't come out of his shell till next month. In that time, I expect his men to retaliate. Therefore, I'm upping your training this weekend and week." He paused to let the words sink in as he peeked at her from the corner of his left eye. Having only one eye, it made Rose nervous when her father drove, so in order to put her at ease, he continued on. "But enough about work, sweetheart, how was your day at the Titans Tower?" A mixture of both excitement and dread came over Rose when her father explained that he would be upping her training, and not just for the weekend, but the whole week coming as well. Finally, she was going to be able to do some real fighting, which excited her; also the coming days of training were bound to be full of ways to make her father proud of her, which is all she ever wanted. Then again, the bruises and sprained joints that came with it...not so much; not to mention she found some of her father's work to be...questionable...sometimes the complete opposite of what Jason Todd had taught her when she had first joined the Titans nearly a year ago. Rose just shrugged, turning up the heat on her seat to at least give her muscles some sort of relaxation before the grueling eight days of training would begin. "Some punk-ass kid broke into the tower today, not a peep from our security system so the whole thing must have been down or he was able to surpass it somehow, though I've seen Cyborg's work...that man is a technological God, I can't see how anyone could breach that..." She turned to look at her father, a slight grin on her face. "Not even you daddy." She teased. "Oh, and Robin came back finally, but I left before I got a chance to talk to him about anything." Slade took the crack at his infiltration skills in stride, not wanting to burst her bubble. Robin, though.... "Robin, Hm? Don't you like that kid?" He asked, serious. Rose knew he'd kneecap any kid trying to mess with her. "A little." Rose admitted, but that was an understatement. She had liked Jason Todd since the very moment they met. When she turned the heat on, Slade realized she was trying to relax before he put her through the training. "Calm down, Rose, you still have History, Math and English Lit to go through, and so help me, If you skimp out on homework [i]again.....[/i]" Rose let out a loud groan, slumping into her seat even more. There were perks to being home schooled by your own father, though when your father was Slade Wilson...those advantages didn't very much exist for a sixteen-year-old. He paused again, pulling the car into the garage. With six different security checkpoints at each level of the six floors of the garage, the building is one of the most secure in the area, needing a key card to even access the elevator. As Slade grabbed his briefcase hiding his armor and locking the door, Rose fell in step as they strode to the elevator. He hand her the key card as he craned his neck, rewarded by the sound of two loud cracks, and for a moment he took off the eye patch, revealing the empty eye socket beneath. Upon being handed the card key, Rose slid the card key into the slot, gaining them access to the elevator. She made it a point to not stare at her father whenever he didn't wear the eye-patch. It didn't disgust her or make her feel uncomfortable or anything, as this was the only way she ever knew her father, she was just raised in the fact that it was rude to stare, even if it was in awe and pride that her father was such a brave man of war. She knew the story, he had told her many times. She had wished that she could have met Wintergreen, he seemed like a very good person for her father, if Slade wouldn't have found a daughter in Rose...he might have just gone insane with his own thoughts...and the feeling was reciprocated. As the elevator dinged into the main lobby, the obnoxious doorman (in Slade’s opinion), Carlos, once again tried to hit on Rose, calling her a "Beautiful work of art" and once again, he flipped him off, choosing not to break his skull. He could, easily, but then the cops would come around. More trouble than it was worth. When Slade was well in front of her, Rose shot Carlos a slight wink, only to just tease him a bit as she had grown so fond of doing with boys lately and with a very soft giggle, ran to catch up with her father. Slade stepped into the second elevator, pressing the ten digit key code to allow the pair access to their apartment. He readjusted the eye patch and spoke to Rose again as they were alone once more. "A little? Rose Lilian Wilson, You know you're not ready for any sort of dating, at least, not until your birthday." He added, his chest imperceptibly swelling with parental pride. 'As if dating was what was on my mind.' Rose thought, she didn't dare even mutter it under her breath, as her father had a very...inhuman sense of hearing. Once inside their apartment at long last, she set her bag down and made a direct line to their leather couch, plopping down on her back in a comfortable position. She remembered the first time she came to her father's apartment, it was nice...[i]too[/i] nice for what she was used to and was too intimidated to touch anything. Now, just a few months later, she felt right at home.