[center][b]Raven >Near the Tordred Maze<[/b][/center] Raven held an iron stomach but the very sight of two men expelling their stomach contents nearly drove her to do the same. It was not the vision of a corpse that made her want to heave but witnessing two others doing just that. Copious amounts of saliva welled inside her mouth, an undesirable sign of what was to come but she held her head up to the celestial sky, coughed once, and then swallowed hard with much difficulty. The desire to follow suit passed and she pulled down the feathered mask to wear around her neck in order to wipe underneath her eyes. Pungent rotting odor swirling up each nostril made azure orbs water in detest. Her now visibly angelic face was wrought with a mix of emotions but mostly worry as she grasped the reality of the situation. [b]“C—Calm down, we’re here...We need to find help—or…hide the body and not discuss this to anyone. We need to make a decision quickly, whatever it is.”[/b] Raven shifted from one leg to the other while nervously scanning the terrain in a paranoid poise. Innocent sapphire eyes gradually narrowed while glancing to her bare feet feeling something resembling a quake. Perhaps these three were safest inside but a dreadful feeling capped itself around her as she peered backward toward the Academy. Were they not the only ones going through something inexplicable and dastardly? [b]“You guys should go to your dorms. Just…stay there until someone comes to get you. That’s probably the safest place to be. Forget what you saw for now.”[/b] A delicate voice trailed off as she tried to force a reassuring smile to the duo but that task proved challenging while standing in front of a carcass. Fingers glided through long platinum blond tresses, a sign of angst as the seraphic woman began to take steps toward the decomposing body. Hands hesitantly gripped onto shoulders composed of protruding bone as the slender Junior laboriously began tugging the ragged skeleton like lady backward toward the Tordred Maze. Trying to conceal a body and protect a Freshman proved ungraceful and problematic. Bare heels dug into soft earth for traction even though little weight remained on the chilling cadaver.