[b]South East Sewers: Roman Cassidy[/b] Watching Adam Caville handle Eira's pistol was a clear sign to Roman that he was the most capable soldier of the three. Without mechs, these two pilots were barely less defenseless than a civilian. This meant two things: Roman would need to step up as their protector and their lives were in his hands. After exchanging pleasantries with Caville, Roman's radio went off. [b]"This is Ryan."[/b] Dufont? A council member was in direct contact with Roman during his first mission. This black box must be even more important than he anticipated. Of course, they sent men to kill or be killed for it, so it made a sort of sense. [b]"All of our local air-power is focused on others asking for help, however, if you can get through the sewer system, you'll reach an underground outpost of ours. From there we can easily get you home. Set one of your radios to frequency... One-Zero-Six-Point-Three. You will hear a light buzzing noise. The louder it is, the closer you are. It should be... South, generally. Once at the outpost you'll be taken above ground and driven here... That is all."[/b] And just like that, they had new orders. Roman looked down the sewer. Either they could head south-west and possibly end up under a warzone or go south-east and possibly face some sort of danger that no soldiers nearby might be able to help with. Either way, they were likely to be on their own. Ryan Dufont himself stated that there was no backup coming, so what choice did they have but to go forward? Adam gave his own advice about the situation, saying [b]"If it's... Generally south... Ahhh... South west? Anyone want to try that? I've never heard of a sewer outpost before."[/b] Deciding that the potential danger of ending up near beasts like the Goleyeith was too much of a risk, Roman shook his head and said [b]"We're heading down the south-east tunnel, where we know there won't be a warzone above us. This black box being brought to the outpost is our main priority. Eira, take the pistols and watch out backs. Caville, take Eira's rifle and change your radio's frequency to One-Zero-Six-Point-Three. We need to get moving."[/b] Holding his pistol to Eira again, he waited for his companions to do as he asked before they went down the tunnel.