[hider=Phoenix Walker]Name: Phoenix Walker Age: 21 Gender: Female Height: 5'6 Weight: 106 Occupation: College Student/Waitress Hobbies: Making Music, Practicing Martial Arts, Drawing, Painting and Reading Personality: Phoenix is a very nice girl. She is also very smart preferring to think things through instead of just jumping into things. She is a very observant person and she is good at reading someone. But, she would barely hurt anyone unless she had to. She also is a very chill person and rarely ever loses her temper. If she does though, run for your life. Phobias: She is terrified of Clowns due to a child experiance. Theme: [youtube]KtA7YIFapnY[/youtube] [img]http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/88/9c/c5/889cc561cf677ee68ad27e570be65a4f.jpg[/img] Clothing: -Head: N/A -Chest: Short-Sleeved Black AC/DC Shirt -Legs: Black Ripped Jeans -Hands: Black Fingerless Gloves -Feet: Black Combat Boots -Back: Black Backpack Items: 2 Water Bottles, A Wrapped Up Sandwich, A Black Hoodie, A Notebook and Pen. Weapons: A Metal Baseball Bat [url=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/91/60/ef/9160ef8aac42c1dbd8edb34075a77680.jpg]Vehicle[/url] Stats: (You have 0 points to distribute amongst the followings statistics. These are for you to gauge your characters abilities and to limit god modding in game. ***Note*** Awareness increases chance of "presents") -Awareness: 4 -Close Quarters: 4 -Fitness: 4 -Marksmanship: 2 -Speed: 3 -Strength: 1 History: Phoenix was raised in California. She was born to a successful mother and father. She was an only child and even though you'd think that'd be a good thing it really didn't help. She was constantly pressured to do good in school, be a good person and do the right thing. Her parents meant well for her and were trying to make sure she was happy but, they never had a child before and didn't know a child's limits. But, Phoenix didn't mind. After all, in the endgame all of that protectiveness and tough love really helped out. Phoenix, in school, was a smart girl getting good grades and she was really into art. But, she wasn't as good when it came to social standings. She was different then all of her other fellow females. Loved the color black, prefered classic rock, loved art, wasn't into shopping as much. She only had one boyfriend in her life and he was only with her for sex. And after he got that he left her. She did get even though. When she fount about him using her she took martial arts classes and after she learned a few things she kicked her ex-boyfriend's ass. Revenge is a very sweet thing. When she graduated she luckily earned an art scholarship to a very good college. That's where she was before this whole thing happened. She was working hard in college and lived in a very gross apartment near the campus. She worked as a waitress in order to pay for it. She even got a dog. A German Shepard named Max. She even got an motorcycle which was a gift from her parents. She lived a very consistant and okay life centered around school-work-dog-alone time. It may not have been exciting but, it was consistant and easy to deal with. And after the Earth's end she would have prefered it over anything. Companions: Her dog Max.[/hider]