[b]Grand Hall 2nd Floor[/b] There was too much going on for Arthur. He couldn't comprehend what was happening. The girl in front of him was some monster, and there was some bloody bird lady trying to kill him and the others, or possibly not. Maybe she just wanted the headmistress or stone girl here. He stood frozen when the shards of pottery flew everywhere, several embedding in his arms and chest. He winced they pierced his chest, thankful that none of them were lethal. "Hey you, you fucking bloody pigeon! That hurt!" Arthur's words fell on deaf ears though, as the bird was already plummeting over the balcony. It hit the ground with a loud thunk, making even Arthur wince in pain. He had to do something and fast. THat bird plus all the students down there could be really bad trouble. Arthur worried about the small group of students he talked to before in particular. They could be in trouble. Despite being scared to the point of fainting, He willed himself to chase after the harpy bird. [b]Grand Hall 2nd floor to 1st floor[/b] Arthur ran to the balcony, looking below at the bird. taking about ten steps back, Arthur sprinted from to the edge of the balcony, soaring off. Before Leaving the balcony edge he shouted out "I'm a big fucking hypocrite! Why did I do this?!" He looked down and aimed for the harpy that was on the ground. He jutted his knee out aiming directly for its face. "This is for ruining the fun you big fucking raven!" He shouted, ramming his knee as hard as he could into its neck, narrowly missing its head. His knee bent out of place, narrowly missing its breaking point. "Oi. Come on then. I just did something mean. Does that bird brain of yours understand that I just attacked you?" Arthur goaded, hoping to piss off the bird and provoke it into chasing him.