[b]Ella continued to clutch her side as Ariana herded her to the stables. While Ella's attempt to subdue the woman had failed, she didn't want to give up yet, to give up hope that Ariana would possibly calm down and take her offer to leave peacefully. After her attempt on the queen's life, no one would let her leave the castle alive; she needed Ella's help if she wanted to get away safely. "Please, think this through," Ella insisted, being dragged by her hair now, "If you let me help you, you can get away with everything, head home. I'm useless to the king right now; I guarantee you I am dispensable to him." "Actually," the assassin hissed, "Because of my actions, you will be remembered as a loyal princess. It sickens me to know that you'll be known as the beautiful, pitiful princess, rather than the vile traitor you are." With a harsh yank, Ariana pulled Ella in front of her again, the dagger at her throat. Stable hands and armored soldiers alike drew their weapons at the sight of their future princess in such danger. Ariana kept her face calm and slowly advanced, the threat in her eyes evident; she wouldn't hesitate to kill Ella. Ariana's movements became quicker, less steady. Ella knew she was impatient on escaping from the castle now. "Prepare me a horse!" the woman barked, "Do as I say, and I might let the princess live."[/b]