[b]Faction Name:[/b] The Drummers [b]Allegiance:[/b] Sabbat [b]Location:[/b] "Wherever the Arch-Bishop fucking says we're needed." [b]General Information:[/b] A small pack of 3 Panders led by (and including) Annabella ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Name:[/b] AnnaBella "Pony" Shepherd [b]Generation:[/b] 8th [b]Clan:[/b] Pander [b]Disciplines:[/b] Celerity, Dominate, Presence, Potence [b]Personality:[/b] Pony is what the Sabbat created her to be, a soldier in the war against the Camarilla: direct, cold, aloof, and ruthlessly efficient. She does not abide by cruelty for cruelty's sake, but nor is she particularly merciful. Nor is Pony stupid; while shock troops and direct assaults against Camarilla strongholds are tried and true methods of Sabbat tactics, she is not above using what she regardless as legitimate [i]ruse de guerre[/i] to accomplish her goals. Adhering to and advocating the tenets of [url=http://theanarchstate.wikidot.com/path:path-of-honorable-accord]The Path of Honorable Accord[/url], she disdains those members of the Sabbat who revel in their debaucheries, conceding their possible uses yet being well aware that such indulgences can easily distract one from the struggle against the Jyhad. Pony is well aware of the potential uses of her innocent looks against humans, but refuses (and to a great degree doesn't even know how) to use them as such. Anything smacking of such concepts as love, romance, sexuality and the like can be confusing and so are treated with scorn when applied to herself. [b]Biography:[/b] AnnaBella vaguely remembers parts of her mortal life, but not many and those only in flashes. She doesn't really care to find out and dismissive of clinging to any of it. She knows she was born in 1873 in Boston... and that her family was well off if not rich, something to do with whaling... and she remembers wearing pretty dresses... but that's about it. The only first clear memory she has is of climbing out of the earth with an incredible thirst for blood. Naked and crazed, she attacked the first thing she saw: a man watching over the farm field from which she had scraped herself out of. The man was caught off guard and drained of every last drop of vitae, making AnnaBella incredibly strong and fast all in one go. Others came then, men and women in a wide variety of clothing and from assorted backgrounds. They treated her like a wild animal, her frenzy such that they could do little else with her especially when a handful of others began to rise up out of the earth with crazed expressions and growling for blood. It was only when a tall, elegant woman with piercing eyes began to speak to AnnaBella and those with her that they all began to calm down, AnnaBella fighting the hardest to resist. Clothes were brought, and more blood, and these newly created vampires were crudely informed of their new existence. They were called Shovelheads, and regarded as disposable soldiers in the war against ancient monsters and their children; told if they could survive long enough, these fresh risen undead were scoffingly reassured they would be inducted into the Sabbat proper. Funnily enough, AnnaBella had already scored a point in their favor by killing the Brujah who had been watching over the buried recruits; if he wasn't able enough to defend himself against a freshly risen neophyte (one who they then realized was clanless!) he obviously was of no further use to the Sabbat! The next year brought several brutal clashes with the enemy, a group she had come to know as the Camarilla. By 1892, AnnaBella was the only Shovelhead of her party remaining and so fully inducted as a member of the Sabbat. That was when she received the nickname of Pony, for she always wore her fine blond hair in a braided ponytail. All those years of fighting in the urban environment had given her experience and the ability to plan fluidly that was hard for the older, more hidebound vampires to match. She proved time and time again her resourcefulness and effectiveness in combat, yet because of her clanless status she was forced to drift from pack to pack in an attempt to find a place where she would be treated some some accord. It never came. Not until the Third Sabbat Civil War of 1957 and the rise of Joseph Pander; Pony had thrown her weight in behind the influential Caitiff leader and was there when she and the others like her were awarded the status of Honorary Clan - the Panderers. Still in Boston, she rallied the Panders to her and formed her own pack, the Drummers. Consisting of anywhere between 3 to 12 members at any one time, this new pack carved a niche for themselves under Ponys leadership: recruitment. With her as their Ductus, she organized and lead the local Sabbat on recruiting missions to create more Shovelheads as shock troops. Their name, the Drummers, came as an allusion to the drums used by 18th and 19th Century recruiting sergeants and from the habit of placing potential recruits in steel oil drums before burying them or dumping them in the ocean; Pony only wanted those recruits who were either strong or resourceful enough to survive such an ordeal. Anyone too weak or too dumb to get out on their own was a waste of vitae and time. She didn't think it was an unreasonable method, for she wasn't so cruel as to weld the barrel shut before being being buried... For her services time and time again, Pony was given by the ArchBishop the unofficial title of War Leader. The past two decades she has made the most of her position, forging contacts and securing weapons for use. In times of war, she would oversee the direct action against the Camarilla or any other foes that threatened the Sabbat. She takes great pride in her work, and while not fanatical the Ductus is dedicated to the cause as a Moderate. [b]Appearnce:[/b] [img=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/02/df/26/02df265dab3db04295a8ce8fa3fbcd52.jpg]